Open VRSDevelopment opened 3 months ago
yeah i had the same problem, it seems like this scripts doesnt work perfectly with the latest qbcoreframework version
It's working but the steps of how to do it are different! This is the announcement I made in my discord:
As of now, the old qb-inventory is called qb-inventory-legacy, and the new one is just qb-inventory So, if you want to use the new inventory, set:
Config.inventory = 'qb-inventory'
And if you want to use the old inventory, set:
Config.inventory = 'qb-inventory-legacy'
And with new inventory, you have to add these two functions at the end of qb-inventory/server/functions.lua
exports('GetInventory', function (id)
return Inventories[id]
exports('SetInventoryItems', function (id, items)
if not Inventories[id] then return end
Inventories[id].items = items
-- for slot, item in pairs(items) do item.description = nil end
items = json.encode(items)
MySQL.prepare('INSERT INTO inventories (identifier, items) VALUES (?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE items = ?', { id, items, items })
return Inventories[id].items
need fix for this error. bag is already open.. even my bag is close and try to reopen.