swlaschin / getfsharp.org

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The role of getfsharp.org vs fsharp.org? #4

Open swlaschin opened 8 years ago

swlaschin commented 8 years ago

Should we have a separate site like getfsharp.org at all? Or should this all be included at fsharp.org?

My concern with fsharp.org is that, as it represents a charity, it is constrained by the kind of content it can display. For example, no commercial content.

For someone wanting to getting started in F#, I do think it is useful to link to commercial entities like Xamarin and WebSharper (and Microsoft!), and to link to F# books, Pluralsight courses, etc. Currently, fsharp.org cannot do this.

But these links need to be seen to be fair and transparent. we wouldn't want to be accused of favoritism. Suggestions on avoiding this would be welcome.

eriawan commented 8 years ago

Just my simple 2 cents:

I agree, fsharp.org is purely non-profit and it's also strictly not allowing commercial interests and this includes forbid to have affiliations with corporate/entities.

But then getfsharp.org will have to clearly define the boundary of interests (hence affiliations) once we allow any commercial affiliations. We should not be seen as commercial backed community, and to avoid this is not easy but it's doable as long as we have clear vision and mission statements at first. :smile: