swmcc / changelog.swm.cc

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Rename to changelog.swm.cc #7

Closed swmcc closed 1 year ago

swmcc commented 1 year ago

As the app owner, I want to change the name of the current project from theonlystephen.com to changelog.swm.cc so that it better reflects the purpose of the website.

To do this, I will first need to update the DNS settings for my domain name to point theonlystephen.com to swm.cc. Once that is done, I can then update the repository name in my version control system to reflect the new name, changelog.swm.cc.

After making this change, I will need to update any references to theonlystephen.com in my website's code and configuration files to reflect the new name. This includes updating any links or URLs that point to theonlystephen.com so that they now point to changelog.swm.cc instead.

Finally, I will need to test the new setup thoroughly to ensure that all redirects are working correctly and that there are no broken links or missing content. Once I am satisfied that everything is working as expected, I can then announce the change to my users and begin promoting the new name and URL.