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file接收10M图片 没超时 进方法nginx直接502 #6

Open xt1234 opened 3 years ago

xt1234 commented 3 years ago

E315BC6F-A55F-4cff-8A28-9E7C69B27515 Env information

Name Value
Swoft version x.y.z
Swoole version x.y.z (by php --ri swoole)
PHP version x.y.z (by php -v)
Runtime environment Win10/Mac/CentOS 7/Ubuntu/Docker etc.

Describe the question

Describe the question

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Describe what you are trying to achieve and what goes wrong.

// paste output here

Provide minimal script to reproduce the issue

// paste code