swolekat / obs-youtube-playlist-title

Show title of current song playing in a youtube playlist.
MIT License
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Bot Control from Youtube #2

Open SirBassi opened 1 week ago

SirBassi commented 1 week ago

Hi @swolekat,

first of All: Thanks again for all the adjustments you have made. I used this in 24/7 Scenrio with OBS on Twitch for showing older Arma MilSim Missions etc. and it was well received by the viewers. (so with including Video)

But on Last Friday I had to stop this Stream. Instead of Playing the Playlist there is just showing up a message from Youtube to this Browesersource: Text is in german but means: Registrate / Log In that we can see you are no Bot and safe the community. (see attached picture)

I also tried with the direct Playlist Link (not routing by your Website / Webservice) in annother Browsersource and result is the same. But on this way I can login on my Account what is not possible with the rerouting.

I deeply know that this is no problem on your side and your project probaly just Youtube changed something on their end.

But maybe you have an idea to solve this. Your solution with getting the Videoname and customize this with CSS is so clear and easy.


Kindly thanks.

SirBassi commented 1 week ago

I fixed it by myself. I logged in at Browsersource which not points to your Website and as I finished this the other "nromal" Playlists worked also. A bit confusing but okay, now. Thanks.