swoodhouse / Game

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When I try and run to height<2 or height>5 I get a memory error #25

Open MClarke1991 opened 4 years ago

MClarke1991 commented 4 years ago

Running to height 5 is fine


Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
   at Game.playGame[a](FSharpList`1 qn, FSharpList`1 mutations, FSharpList`1 treatments, Int32 apopVar, Int32 height, a maximisingPlayerGoesLast) in C:\Users\mac86\Documents\GitHub\Game\src\BioCheckAnalyzer\Game.fs:line 239
   at Main.runGameEngine@312D.Invoke(a maximisingPlayerGoesLast) in C:\Users\mac86\Documents\GitHub\Game\src\BioCheckConsole\Main.fs:line 312
   at Main.main(String[] args) in C:\Users\mac86\Documents\GitHub\Game\src\BioCheckConsole\Main.fs:line 375
Warning message:
In shell(command) :
  'C:\Users\mac86\Documents\Github\Game\src\BioCheckConsole\bin\x64\Debug\BioCheckConsole.exe -model BenchmarkModel/Benchmark_networks/GAME_Benchmark.json -engine GAME -out c:/Users/mac86/Documents/GitHub/ALPHA-CLOCK/ScalingTests/PLACEHOLDER -apopVar 15  -mutate 3 2 -mutate 4 2 -treat 5 0 -treat 6 0 -height 1 >> c:/Users/mac86/Documents/GitHub/ALPHA-CLOCK/ScalingTests/scaling_log_20200302_T1639.log' execution failed with error code 5

heights 2 till 5 work fine. Might be that asking for height 1 is nonsensical

swoodhouse commented 4 years ago

I think height 1 is nonsensical at the moment, yes

MClarke1991 commented 4 years ago

(non-urgent) Also for height 6 and 7 and presumably above