swoole / phpkafka

PHP Kafka client is used in PHP-FPM and Swoole. PHP Kafka client supports 50 APIs, which might be one that supports the most message types ever.
Apache License 2.0
271 stars 47 forks source link

Support for RedPanda? #61

Open slushpuppy opened 2 years ago

slushpuppy commented 2 years ago

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught longlang\phpkafka\Exception\KafkaErrorException: [35] The version of API is not supported. in /src/vendor/longlang/phpkafka/src/Protocol/ErrorCode.php:385 Stack trace:

0 /src/vendor/longlang/phpkafka/src/Util/KafkaUtil.php(69): longlang\phpkafka\Protocol\ErrorCode::check()

1 /src/vendor/longlang/phpkafka/src/Group/GroupManager.php(111): longlang\phpkafka\Util\KafkaUtil::retry()

2 /src/vendor/longlang/phpkafka/src/Consumer/Consumer.php(162): longlang\phpkafka\Group\GroupManager->syncGroup()

3 /src/vendor/longlang/phpkafka/src/Consumer/Consumer.php(128): longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Consumer->rejoin()

4 /src/Lib/AbstractServiceEventWorker.php(53): longlang\phpkafka\Consumer\Consumer->__construct()

5 /src/App/cli/serviceEventWorker.php(19): Lib\AbstractServiceEventWorker->start()

apt installation


Open Swoole => enabled Author => Open Swoole Group & Contributors hello@swoole.co.uk Version => 4.8.1 Built => Dec 6 2021 17:59:05 coroutine => enabled with boost asm context epoll => enabled eventfd => enabled signalfd => enabled cpu_affinity => enabled spinlock => enabled rwlock => enabled sockets => enabled openssl => OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 dtls => enabled http2 => enabled json => enabled curl-native => enabled pcre => enabled zlib => 1.2.11 mutex_timedlock => enabled pthread_barrier => enabled futex => enabled mysqlnd => enabled async_redis => enabled

Directive => Local Value => Master Value swoole.enable_coroutine => On => On swoole.enable_library => On => On swoole.enable_preemptive_scheduler => Off => Off swoole.display_errors => On => On swoole.use_shortname => On => On swoole.unixsock_buffer_size => 8388608 => 8388608

"longlang/phpkafka": "^1.2",

# Paste here
// Your code
         $config = new ConsumerConfig();
      $addr = Config::getBroker();
      $config->setTopic($this->getTopic()); // topic
      $config->setClientId($this->sanitizeClassName(static::class)); // client ID. Use
      $this->config = $config;


        $this->consumer = new Consumer($this->config, [$this,'consume']);


I am able to connect and consume topics using other php kafka libraries such as simple-kafka-client

 $builder = KafkaConsumerBuilder::create();

        $consumer = $builder->withAdditionalConfig(
                // start at the very beginning of the topic when reading for the first time
                'auto.offset.reset' => 'earliest',

                // will be visible in broker logs
                'client.id' => 'php-kafka-lib-high-level-consumer',

                // SSL settings
                'security.protocol' => 'ssl',
                'ssl.ca.location' => Config::CA_CERT,
                'ssl.certificate.location' => Config::CLIENT_CERT,
                'ssl.key.location' => Config::CLIENT_KEY,

                // SASL settings
                //'sasl.mechanisms' => '',
                //'ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm' => 'https',
                //'sasl.username' => '',
                //'sasl.password' => '',

                // Add additional output if you need to debug a problem
                // 'log_level' => (string) LOG_DEBUG,
                // 'debug' => 'all'


        while (true) {
            try {
                $message = $consumer->consume(10000);
            } catch (KafkaConsumerTimeoutException|KafkaConsumerEndOfPartitionException $e) {
                echo 'Didn\'t receive any messages, waiting for more...' . PHP_EOL;
            } catch (KafkaConsumerConsumeException $e) {
                echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

            echo sprintf(
                    'Read message with key:%s payload:%s topic:%s partition:%d offset:%d headers:%s',
                    implode(',', $message->getHeaders())
                ) . PHP_EOL;
