Closed Rishat7c closed 2 years ago
Switched to php-rdkafka. There were no problems. Can be closed
@Rishat7c hi, How to verify scram-sha-512 with rdkafka in swoole?
@wuxi889 Here is example of my implementation of this mechanism
Can you show an example of authentication using the SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism? (with SASL_SSL)
An example from the cloud service documentation looks like this
cloud service
PHP 7.4.30 (cli) (built: Jun 7 2022 08:38:19) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.4.30, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies longlang/phpkafka dev-master f154746 A kafka client. Support php-fpm and Swoole.