swoole / swoole-cli

SWOOLE-CLI is a php binary distribution composed swoole & php-core & cli & fpm and mostly of common extensions.
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make.sh all-library报错了 #320

Closed wenzhizhong closed 10 months ago

wenzhizhong commented 1 year ago

66ed74d6404c:/work# bash make.sh all-library build openssl

./Configure LIST

            ./config  -static --static no-shared  enable-tls1_3 --release --prefix=/usr/local/swoole-cli/openssl --libdir=/usr/local/swoole-cli/openssl/lib

Configuring OpenSSL version 3.0.8+quic for target linux-x86_64 Using os-specific seed configuration Created configdata.pm Running configdata.pm Created Makefile.in Created Makefile

OpenSSL has been successfully configured

If you encounter a problem while building, please open an issue on GitHub https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues and include the output from the following command:

perl configdata.pm --dump

(If you are new to OpenSSL, you might want to consult the 'Troubleshooting' section in the INSTALL.md file first)

perl "-I." -Mconfigdata "util/dofile.pl" "-oMakefile" include/crypto/bn_conf.h.in > include/crypto/bn_conf.h make: /bin/sh: Operation not permitted make: *** [Makefile:3493: include/crypto/bn_conf.h] Error 127 [openssl] [make FAILURE]

jingjingxyk commented 1 year ago

@wenzhizhong 用的那个分支? 是main 分支吗? 在什么环境下编译的? 是alpine 3.17 吗?


可以尝试: 把 openssl-3.0.8-quic1.tar.gz 删除,重新生成构建脚本

rm -rf  pool/lib/openssl-3.0.8-quic1.tar.gz   

composer update 
php prepare.php  
jingjingxyk commented 1 year ago

用main 分支: 构建步骤:

# 准备PHP 运行时 (看提示,把 PHP 运行时导入环境变量PATH )
sh setup-php-runtime.sh

# 准备运行脚本(目的是为了生成构建容器的脚本,进入容器的脚本)【容器外】
composer update  
php prepare.php --without-docker --skip-download=1

# 查看用的构建命令
bash make.sh -h

# 构建容器运行环境
bash make.sh docker-build

# 启动容器运行环境,并进入容器
bash make.sh docker-bash

# 准备运行脚本( 下载各依赖库源码,生成构建脚本)【容器内】
composer update  
php prepare.php   +inotify +apcu +ds +xlswriter +ssh2  --with-swoole-pgsql=1

# 静态编译依赖库
bash make.sh  all-library 

# 静态编译 PHP 预处理
bash make.sh config 

# 静态编译PHP (汇编、编译、链接)
bash make.sh build 

# 静态编译PHP (打包)
bash make.sh archive 
jingjingxyk commented 1 year ago

单独编译 openssl

bash make.sh openssl