Closed laraveladmin-cn closed 1 year ago
Route::get('/streamswoole', function () { $class = '\\Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\StreamedResponse'; $response = new $class(function (){ $open_ai_key = 'sk-5OL'; $open_ai = new OpenAi($open_ai_key); $txt = ""; $opts = [ 'model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'messages' => json_decode('[{ "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant." }, { "role": "user", "content": "今天星期几?" }]',true), 'temperature' => 1.0, 'max_tokens' => 100, 'frequency_penalty' => 0, 'presence_penalty' => 0, 'stream' => true ]; $complete = $open_ai->chat($opts, function ($curl_info, $data) use (&$txt) { if ($obj = json_decode($data) and $obj->error->message != "") { error_log(json_encode($obj->error->message)); } else { echo $data; $clean = str_replace("data: ", "", $data); $arr = json_decode($clean, true); if ($data != "data: [DONE]\n\n" and isset($arr["choices"][0]["delta"]["content"])) { $txt .= $arr["choices"][0]["delta"]["content"]; } } echo PHP_EOL; @ob_flush(); @flush(); return strlen($data); }); },200,[ 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'=>'*', 'X-Accel-Buffering'=>'no', 'Content-type'=>'text/event-stream', 'Cache-Control'=>'no-cache' ]); return $response->send(); });
sendMessage(){ const eventSource = new EventSource('/streamswoole'); const div = this.$refs['message']; eventSource.onmessage = function (e){ dd(e,1); if ( == "[DONE]") { eventSource.close(); } else { let txt = JSON.parse([0].delta.content if (txt !== undefined) { div.innerHTML += txt.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br>'); } } }; eventSource.onerror = function(e) { dd(e,2); eventSource.close(); }; dd(eventSource,3); }
php artisan swoole:http start 命令行控制台输出: 浏览器显示错误结果:
Please, reopen in english
php artisan swoole:http start 命令行控制台输出: 浏览器显示错误结果: