swooletw / laravel-swoole

High performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel or Lumen applications.
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facades are not safe to use inside coroutine for sure in this package. #549

Closed videni closed 9 months ago

videni commented 9 months ago

I don't find any document about this subject, so I read some critical files:


what I got

Every request will create a sandbox which clones the base container and restores it back to the orginal after request finished. as I know, the onRequest event of \Swoole\Http\Server runs inside a coroutine. what concerns me is that when a sandbox is enabled, the setInstance method below will set the shared static variable instance of container(src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php ) to the one created by the sandbox. does this mean it also change another request?


 public function enable()
        $this->setInstance($app = $this->getApplication());

    public function setInstance(Container $app)
        $app->instance('app', $app);
        $app->instance(Container::class, $app);



class Container implements ArrayAccess, ContainerContract

    protected static $instance;


Related issues

videni commented 9 months ago

I did an experiment, it proves my guess, facade is not safe, this library don't do any thing to handle this case. you must be very carefull . here is a picture of my experiment.

log instance resets for every request. you can see the first log instance of a request can be reset by another one.


here is my code.

class IndexController extends BaseController
    public function first()
        Facade::log('## 1. '.' First log instance'.'-cid-'.\Swoole\Coroutine::getCid());

         // Will create one from the container of current sandbox
        Log::info('Hello World!');

       // Will use the cached instance of static resolvedInstance variable of  class,  Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade
        Log::info('Hello World!');

        Facade::log('I will sleep 3 seconds');


        Facade::log('## 1.1. '.'I wake up'.'-cid-'.\Swoole\Coroutine::getCid());

        Log::info('Hello World!');

        Log::info('Hello World!');

        return 'Hello World!';

    public function second()
        Facade::log('## 2. '.' Second log instance'.'-cid-'.\Swoole\Coroutine::getCid());

        Log::info('Hello World!');

        Log::info('Hello World!');

        Facade::log('I will sleep 6 seconds');


        Facade::log('## 2.1. '.'I wake up'.'-cid-'.\Swoole\Coroutine::getCid());

        Log::info('Hello World!');

        Log::info('Hello World!');

        return 'Hello World!';