swordev / suid

A port of Material-UI (MUI) built with SolidJS.
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Performance optimisations #208

Open martinpengellyphillips opened 1 year ago

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

I've been porting one of my personal projects to SUID and have noticed a significant performance degradation (especially on mobile) as a result. For example, rendering a list with listitem buttons has noticeable (>250ms) lag compared to the same native div setup.

Are there known performance improvements that can be applied / has any investigation into improving performance been done already?

juanrgm commented 1 year ago

How many elements are you rendering? Could you share the code?

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

Take a look at https://getfinnick.com/debug which compares suid list to native (similar elements). There are 300 entries there to make it easy to notice, but the lag can be felt at 100+ entries on mobile. Seems to be a lot of jank in the suid version.

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 22 53 10
juanrgm commented 1 year ago

I will check it out.

The source code would speed up testing.

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

Ah, yeah, forgot to add that! Here you go:

import {
} from "@suid/material";
import { For, VoidComponent, createSignal } from "solid-js";
import { getRandomId } from "../random";

const createRandomList = () =>
  [...Array(300)].map((_) => ({ name: `Entry ${getRandomId()}` }));

const DebugPage = () => {
  const [entriesA, setEntriesA] = createSignal(createRandomList());
  const [entriesB, setEntriesB] = createSignal(createRandomList());
  return (
    <Stack direction="row" gap={3}>
          onClick={() => setEntriesA(createRandomList())}
          Re-init SUID list
        <Box height="80vh" overflow="auto">
          <SuidListExample entries={entriesA()} />
          onClick={() => setEntriesB(createRandomList())}
          Re-init native list
        <Box height="80vh" overflow="auto">
          <RawListExample entries={entriesB()} />

const SuidListExample: VoidComponent<{ entries: any[] }> = (props) => {
  return (
      <For each={props.entries}>
        {(entry) => (

const RawListExample: VoidComponent<{ entries: any[] }> = (props) => {
  return (
    <ul style={{ padding: "8px 0px" }}>
      <For each={props.entries}>
        {(entry) => (
          <li style={{ padding: "8px 16px" }}>
            <button style={{ padding: "8px 16px" }}>
              <p style={{ margin: "4px 0" }}>

export default DebugPage;
juanrgm commented 1 year ago

I wrote the test with React-MUI for comparing: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-qq4ans?file=demo.tsx

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

Looks like mui and native are comparable there so specific to suid?

I did notice lots of context lookups in the suid version, but I haven't seen context be an issue before in general.

juanrgm commented 1 year ago

I prepared other test for debugging: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-1kaidf?file=src%2FApp.tsx

We can't compare native elements with components in SolidJS because they are totally different, a SolidJS component will never have the same performance.

I have detected some bottlenecks:

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

Anything I can do to help here?

juanrgm commented 1 year ago


martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

I've applied the current latest versions of SUID and SolidJS now. I'm not seeing a noticeable improvement - is there more still to do here?


Nevermind! I see there is ongoing commits on performance over the last few days. Let me know if I can help test at all :)

juanrgm commented 1 year ago

The other PR is here: https://github.com/solidjs/solid/pull/1710.

Still, SolidJS has other "limitations" that can directly affect how SUID is built (modular components): https://github.com/solidjs/solid/discussions/1399.

martinpengellyphillips commented 1 year ago

@juanrgm fyi with the latest releases it seems that things like selected on <ListItemButton> no longer work - the styles are not applied. In the screen below, when the 'x' is moving it also means I have passed selected={true} to the <ListItemButton> but the styling no longer highlights. It did work in the version just prior (e.g. @suid/material@0.12.1).


evertheylen commented 7 months ago

I'm also having performance problems so I thought it could be useful to add my own example here. It is the minimal version of code currently in production, and the performance is a real problem right now.

Stackblitz link

It renders three versions of the same 300 "shopping list" entries. I recorded some timings (without debug mode, on Firefox):

While SUID visually looks a lot better, being 2 orders of magnitude slower is too high of a performance cost.

Note: 300 entries is more than users actually have, it is just a benchmark. Users on less powerful devices with a more complex shopping list have problems starting from 50 entries. (I thought 5ms was already slow but it seems you can barely beat it with direct DOM manipulation.)

evertheylen commented 7 months ago

Another update. I wondered whether this was really unique to SUID or if other component libraries also have this problem. So I included Park UI and Kobalte (which seem to be the only other mature options besides SUID).

Stackblitz link

Kobalte runs in ~168ms, and Park runs in ~382ms. Even that seems too slow to me. Is there something inherent to component libraries that makes them slow in Solid.js? (Next up, I should probably benchmark the same setup in other frontend frameworks.)