swordev / suid

A port of Material-UI (MUI) built with SolidJS.
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Cannot use SUID to build web components #231

Open vorth opened 1 year ago

vorth commented 1 year ago

I'm porting a web component implementation from React (material-ui) to Solid JS. With MUI, I found a workaround to make JSS attach the style elements to the web component's shadow DOM rather than the document head. No such workaround seems possible for SUID:


This means that only a single web component per page would function, at best... and it appears that styling is broken even in that case within the web component.

juanrgm commented 1 year ago

Any proposal?

credred commented 1 year ago

Same problem. can StyledEngineProvider provide an option to modify the location of the added style?

juanrgm commented 1 year ago

Could you put a link to the emotion/mui docs where it "fixes" this problem?

vorth commented 1 year ago

Here is the snippet I had in my React code, wrapping the main component element with a StylesProvider. This may not be very helpful, as I was still using MUI 4 and JSS, not Emotion.

import { StylesProvider, jssPreset } from '@material-ui/styles';
  // We need JSS to inject styles on our shadow root, not on the document head.
  // I found this solution here:
  //   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51832583/react-components-material-ui-theme-not-scoped-locally-to-shadow-dom
  const jss = create({
      insertionPoint: container
  const reactElement = React.createElement( StylesProvider, { jss: jss }, [ viewerElement ] );

Here is a clickable link for that URL