When running the vite dev server programmatically, the suid plugin fails to activate.
Running vite dev from the command line does not have these problems
const createViteServer = (await import("vite")).createServer;
const vite = await createViteServer();
[plugin:suid] traverse is not a function. (In 'traverse(ast, {
enter(path) {
const { node } = path;
if (!(types.isImportDeclaration(node) && options.optimizeImports.paths.some((v) => v === node.source.value)))
const imports = node.specifiers.map((spec) => {
if (types.isImportSpecifier(spec) && types.isIdentifier(spec.imported) && types.isIdentifier(spec.local))
return getOptimizedImportPath(node.source.value, spec.imported.name, spec.local.name);
}).filter((v) => !!v);
path.replaceWithMultiple(imports.map((item) => types.importDeclaration(typeof item.specifier === "string" ? [types.importDefaultSpecifier(types.identifier(item.specifier))] : [
...Object.entries(item.specifier).map(([alias, specifier]) => types.importSpecifier(types.identifier(specifier), types.identifier(alias)))
], types.stringLiteral(item.path))));
})', 'traverse' is undefined)
When running the vite dev server programmatically, the suid plugin fails to activate. Running vite dev from the command line does not have these problems