I'm getting a few issues with the transitions as follow:
Grow: Despite unmountOnExit set the components remain in dom after exit animation
Expect to be destroyed
Slide: Changing the property direction while in is false makes the component to show, goes from direction A to B and hide
Expect to keep the component hidden
Slide: Multiple slide (like tabs) with the properties mountOnEnter unmountOnExit do only mount/show the first one, as soon as removed the tabs works fine
I'm getting a few issues with the transitions as follow:
Sample code
```js import { Component, createSignal, For } from 'solid-js'; import { Pagination, PaginationItem, Slide, Stack, styled } from '@suid/material'; const StyledPagination = styled(Pagination)(() => ({ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', '> ul': { gap: '1rem', '> li > button': { padding: '0.5rem 2rem', fontSize: '1.5rem', height: 'auto', }, }, })); const General: Component = () => (General
) const Graphics: Component = () => (Graphics
) const Controls: Component = () => (Controls
) const Tab: Component<{ shown: boolean, dir: 'left' | 'right', component: Component }> = (props) => { const shown = () => props.shown; const dir = () => props.dir; const Component = props.component; return ( <>Component {Component.name} shown {`${shown()}`} dir {dir()}
Prev tab {prevTab()}, next tab {nextTab()}
Thanks in advance for your help