While doing project with GPS(UTM coordinates), mapviz and map server api helped me a lot. Thanks for amazing work.
Btw, I also created frame that is not called map or origin, which is called 'utm'.
To make the map for using on another frame, I had to change topic's frame id into 'utm'. - topic type : nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.
So, What I would like to ask you is the following.
Is it possible to use another frame on mapviz? If then, how to put in?
Hi this is Hankyu Kim from Sonnet.ai again
While doing project with GPS(UTM coordinates), mapviz and map server api helped me a lot. Thanks for amazing work.
Btw, I also created frame that is not called map or origin, which is called 'utm'. To make the map for using on another frame, I had to change topic's frame id into 'utm'. - topic type : nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.
So, What I would like to ask you is the following.
Best regards Hankyu Kim