swri-robotics / mapviz

Modular ROS visualization tool for 2D data.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
370 stars 144 forks source link

Visualize NavSatFix message #817

Closed js-fwr closed 2 months ago

js-fwr commented 2 months ago

Hi, im using mapviz with ros2 humble and currently try to visualize the navsatfix gps coordinates on the map. However im not receiving visual feedback in the mapviz gui. Topics are send and received and the amp is shown using bing map. This is my launch file: `import launch import launch.actions import launch.substitutions import launch_ros.actions

def generate_launch_description(): return launch.LaunchDescription([ launch_ros.actions.Node( package="mapviz", executable="mapviz", name="mapviz", ), launch_ros.actions.Node( package="swri_transform_util", executable="initialize_origin.py", name="initialize_origin", parameters=[ {"local_xy_frame": "slc"}, {"local_xy_origin": "slc"}, { "local_xy_origins": [ 54.110477347246416, 12.088371291192967, 0.0, 0.0, ] }, ], ), launch_ros.actions.Node( package="tf2_ros", executable="static_transform_publisher", name="swri_transform", arguments=["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "map", "origin"] ) ]) ` Screenshot from 2024-04-09 13-47-02 Screenshot from 2024-04-09 13-49-10 Screenshot from 2024-04-09 13-50-14