Closed PhoenixNomad closed 6 months ago
Hi @PhoenixNomad! Thanks for your request and willingness spirit! The Portuguese language is now available on Crowdin, and you have the proofreader access for reviewing translations.
We will prepare the AI pre-translations later today, so you will be able to start. Thanks again!
Enter the url to access this language:
Please provide translations for the following terms in your language:
Congregation: Congregação Assignment: Designação Publisher: Publicador Meeting: Reunião Midweek meeting: Reunião de semana Weekend meeting: Reunião de fim de semana Circuit overseer: Superintendente de circuito Student (of a meeting): Estudante (de reunião) Assistant (of a student): Ajudante (de um estudante) Elder: Ancião Ministerial servant: Ministry: Pregação Service: Serviço Report: Relatório Meeting Schedule: Horário de Reunião Schedule: Horário Pioneer application: Petição de pioneiro Auxiliary pioneer: Pioneiro Auxiliar Regular pioneer: Pioneiro Regular Speaker: Orador Talk: Discurso Memorial: Memorial Chairman: Presidente Prayer: Oração Reader: Leitor Meeting workbook: Livro da reunião Governing Body Update (video): Atualização do Corpo Governante (vídeo) Organizational Accomplishments (video): Realizações da Organização (vídeo) Branch office: Filial Bethel: Betel Territory: Território
To simplify is better to duplicate the Brazilian, Portuguese files in Crowdin to Portuguese, Portugal and then we just change phrases as needed, since a huge part should be the same.
Do you feel fluent to be a proofreader of the language? If yes, please provide your Crowdin username: