Organized is a secure, cross-platform, and user-friendly app for managing Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation life. It assists with schedules, service reports, upcoming assignments. Auto-fetch program from, autoassign program parts, export print files in one click, view useful stats and reports. It’s useful for everyone in a congregation!
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Congregation = 회중 Publisher = 전도인 Meeting = 집회 Midweek meeting = 평일 집회 Weekend meeting = 주말 집회 Circuit overseer = 순회 감독자 Student = 학생 Assistant = 보조 Elder = 장로 Ministerial servant = 봉사의 종 Ministry = 봉사 Service = 봉사 Report = 보고 Meeting Schedule = 집회 계획 Schedule = 계획 Pioneer application = 파이오니아 신청서 Auxiliary pioneer = 보조 파이오니아 Regular pioneer = 정규 파이오니아 Speaker = 연사 Talk = 연설 Memorial = 기념식 Chairman = 사회자 Prayer = 기도 Reader = 낭독자 Meeting workbook = 집회 교재 Governing Body Update = 중앙장로회 보고 Organizational Accomplishments = 조직이 이루고 있는 일들
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