Closed JGMBRIELLE closed 4 days ago
Hey @JGMBRIELLE 👋 Thanks a lot for willingness spirit! Your language is already available on Crowdin.
In the coming hours we will upload AI pre-translations, which will serve as a good starting point. You can go through all of them and either approve or edit and then approve each text string. Of course, they won't be all correct, but still it saves many hours of translation time.
Thanks again, and in case of any questions, feel free to ask! 🤝
Also, @rhahao please add the language also to the EPUB parser + parse the Songs once you have a chance. And I'll add it to the Notifications and Release Notes project on Crowdin.
@JGMBRIELLE the AI translations are uploaded, so happy translating!
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Congregation: Gemeente Assignment: Toewijzing Publisher: Verkondiger Meeting: Vergadering Midweek meeting: Doordeweekse vergadering Weekend meeting: Weekend vergadering Circuit overseer: Kringopziener Student (of a meeting): Leerling Assistant (of a student): Assistent Elder: Ouderling Ministerial servant: Dienaar Ministry: Velddienst Service: Dienst Report: Bericht Meeting Schedule: Vergaderschema Schedule: Schema Pioneer application: Aanmelding voor de gewone pioniersdienst Auxiliary pioneer: Hulppionier Regular pioneer: Gewone pionier Speaker: Spreker Talk: Lezing Memorial: Avondmaal Chairman: Voorzitter Prayer: Gebed Reader: Lezer Meeting workbook: Werkboek Governing Body Update (video): Besturende Lichaam update Organizational Accomplishments (video): Wat de organisatie heeft bereikt Branch office: Bijkantoor Bethel: Bethel Territory: Gebied
Do you feel fluent to be a proofreader of the language? If yes, please provide your Crowdin username: