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Add Chi (VLDB'18) into stream processing #1

Closed luomai closed 6 years ago

luomai commented 6 years ago


This is a great collection of papers and nice lectures. Looking forward to it!

We would like to add a recent work on streaming systems that could be worthwhile mentioned in the collection. Chi (published in VLDB 2018) is a novel control plane design for stream processing systems. It enables arbitrary monitoring-control options over a running acyclic stateful streaming dataflow (extending the Flink's state management algorithm).

Chi has been deployed into a production streaming system in Microsoft, and exhibits great performance in production workload. The paper also describes a production streaming system (that combines Trill and Orleans) that can out-perform state-of-the-art systems including Flink and Drizzle (StructureStreaming), implying a new way of building streaming engine.

Thanks, Authors of Chi

bgchun commented 6 years ago

The paper sounds very interesting. Thanks for letting me know!