The rank value is the average of the inverse of the rank of algorithms which uses this snippet. The rank of an algorithm in here is the same as that used in the Leaderboard page.
[x] 디자인 문서에 바뀐거 반영
[x] 리더보드 백엔드(알고리즘 정렬),
알고리즘 순위 결정 요소: 알파값(수익률/코스피)
Leaderboard page should display the list of algorithms sorted by its rank. These algorithms are all which their authors have agreed to share them.
The today's rank is determined by the simulation performance of yesterday. For now, we take the alpha-value(profit rate divided by KOSPI) to calculate the rank of each algorithm.
Each entry of list should contain the 'rank', 'author', and 'name' of an algorithm. On clicking the 'name' of an algorithm, it's description will appear below the entry