swsnu / swppspr2015

Repository for discussing common issues that are not project-specific, SNU SWPP Spring 2015
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Service coverage #28

Open HurSungYun opened 9 years ago

HurSungYun commented 9 years ago

When I inject a service in a evaluator of driver, can I use methods of service in driver?

jsjason commented 9 years ago

No, the Driver cannot directly call methods of a remote Evaluator's Service; they may not even be in the same machine. That doesn't mean the Driver can't interact with those Services, though.

HurSungYun commented 9 years ago

Then, How to interact with Services in Driver?

HurSungYun commented 9 years ago

In addition, is there a documentation about Service? I can't find anything

jsjason commented 9 years ago

Google "apache reef service" and you get this site: http://www.reef-project.org/services/. This site was the original REEF website before REEF went into incubation.

jsjason commented 9 years ago

There is also a link at cwiki that links to the old REEFwebsite.

jsjason commented 9 years ago

Regarding your other question ("How to interact with Services in Driver"), figuring it out is part of the assignment.

HurSungYun commented 9 years ago

Thank you!