swsoyee / 2019-ncov-japan

🦠 Interactive dashboard for real-time recording of COVID-19 outbreak in Japan
MIT License
409 stars 94 forks source link

No more updates since 2022-09-05 #16936

Closed eguidotti closed 1 year ago

eguidotti commented 1 year ago

Hi @swsoyee, it seems the last update of the data was on 05 September 2022. Would it be possible to fix that? See also https://github.com/covid19datahub/COVID19/issues/211 Many thanks! Emanuele

swsoyee commented 1 year ago

@eguidotti Due to a change in the policy of counting newly infections and other indicator in Japan, there is no longer an accurate count of the total number of infected, so even if we can obtain partial statistics, the actual situation is limited. And this project took a lot of my time to check the data daily in the past 2 year. But at the same time, the government has officially provided public data sets, so I think my activities are not very important anymore.

So the project may not be updated anymore and will be kept as an archive only.

eguidotti commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the info! That works perfectly fine of course

the government has officially provided public data sets

Would you be able to provide the link(s) to these datasets? I would be interested in integrating them in my project

swsoyee commented 1 year ago

@eguidotti Sorry for the late response. You could check some data provide by a Japanese media: https://toyokeizai.net/sp/visual/tko/covid19/en.html

They provide some csv files based on data released by the government.

eguidotti commented 1 year ago

Excellent! This will be very useful. Thank you for your response and for your work. All the best, Emanuele