swt2-intro-exercise / rails-exercise-18-Kenneth-Schroeder

rails-exercise-18-Kenneth-Schroeder created by GitHub Classroom
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Author index page should have a link to delete an author #13

Open swt2public opened 5 years ago

swt2public commented 5 years ago


Given an author named 'Alan Turing' When users visit the authors index page Then it should have link to delete an author


In order to delete a record according to the REST paradigm, a DELETE request needs to be made. Unfortunately, not many browsers support this. They mostly use GET and POST. However, the DELETE call can be made using JavaScript from the browser. Rails supports this out of the box by including a piece of JavaScript called rails-ujs. Using the data-method property of links, a different request can be made. This is also supported by Rails helpers: <%= link_to 'Delete', author_path(author), method: :delete %>


Expected to find css "a[data-method='delete'][href='/authors/1']" but there were no matches

Estimated progress: 56% complete