swt2-intro-exercise / rails-exercise-18-NiklasKoehnecke

rails-exercise-18-NiklasKoehnecke created by GitHub Classroom
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Author should have first name, last name, and homepage #3

Open swt2public opened 6 years ago

swt2public commented 6 years ago


When an author is created with first name 'Alan', last name 'Turing', and homepage 'http://wikipedia.org/Alan_Turing' Then an instance of Author should be created


This feature requests model behavior and should be tested in a model test. Create the test file spec/models/author_spec.rb and in the describe block, specify type: :model.

In a model test, behavior is tested directly on the model object, e.g.

author = Author.new(...)
expect(author.first_name).to eq(...)

The eq matcher tests for object equivalence in RSpec. For more general purpose matchers, see this reference.

The author model should have a first_name, last_name and homepage, which are all strings. It should furthermore have a method name which returns the full name of an author (the first name followed by the last name), e.g. 'Alan Turing'.

To pass your test a Rails model for authors must be created. Rails features generators which make creating things easier. You can answer 'no' when Rails asks if you want to overwrite files, then your edited files stay the way they are. Help can be found in the following part of the Rails guide. Additional behavior of models can be specified in the corresponding model's file, e.g. app/models/author.rb using standard Ruby syntax.


Got NameError: uninitialized constant Author

Estimated progress: 11% complete