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[HW7] print_execution command #48

Closed yheechan closed 3 months ago

yheechan commented 3 months ago

I am having a problem with the command print_execution.

The result from print_execution only shows results from the last input generated from the set of inputs in test-dir/ directory even though inputs other than the last input is copied to input file for print_execution.

As an example, lets say the input of target program takes 2 integer values as symbolic values for concolic testing.

Then I copy test-dir/input.1 to the input file in which print_execution uses to execute and show results. However, when doing so (copying test-dir/input.1 to input), print_execution shows output with input values as 12 and 3 which is from test-dir/input.10.

Has any other classmates experience such problem? Or have solutions for utilizing print_execution?

Thank you.

moonzoo commented 3 months ago

You have to execute your instrumented target program before using print_execution This is because print_execution actually prints szd_execution in a human readable format, which is generated by executing an instrumented target program.


yheechan commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the solution, I have followed your instructions and checked that it works.