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Measuring Developer Relations #176

Closed swyxio closed 2 years ago

swyxio commented 2 years ago

source: devto devToUrl: "https://dev.to/dx/measuring-developer-relations-ie8" devToReactions: 70 devToReadingTime: 16 devToPublishedAt: "2021-08-16T01:06:41.751Z" devToViewsCount: 1449 title: Measuring Developer Relations published: true description: DevRel is hot but nobody knows how to measure it. That's because we don't agree on what effective DevRel is, and we don't agree on the tradeoffs of lagging vs leading metrics for a creative, unattributable, intimately human endeavor. category: essay tags: DX, devrel, content slug: measuring-devrel cover_image: https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/articles/t6b2x3y2oe6v1o7eu053.png

"Games are won by players who focus on the playing field –- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard." - Warren Buffett

Special thanks to Matt Asay, Chris Aniszczyk, Gwen Shapira, the Software Defined Talk crew, and many others for their discussion of this post!

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A few years ago the key theme of one of the DevRelCons was "metrics". People breathlessly tweeted about how this was the most important topic in DevRel, to general agreement. The 2 day schedule was packed with 48 speakers with impressive titles stack ranked by follower count. Hundreds of DevRels flew in to hear DevRels thoughtlead DevRel. Drinks were drunk, hands were shook, empty promises made. Then they went home.

Nothing changed. Today in 2021 people continue to talk about how hard it is to measure DevRel. The full videos of talks to this highly anticipated paid event worth hundreds of dollars per ticket were released on YouTube, with a total view count of 601 (not a typo). The organizers did an incredible job garnering 18 sponsors, all duly ignored. My company was one of them, spending thousands on a Gold slot for which we got 4 tickets, presumably to learn DevRel best practices and hire great talent. We sent none.

I did cherry pick an egregious anecdote, but it helps illustrate the typical state of DevRel accountability today. Lots of sizzle, questionable steak. Loudly performing "DevRel", yet indistinguishable from "Con". Yet despite lack of visibility, companies continue to invest! Because we do know that through all the noise and gladhanding, some value does get created and it is unique to all the other user acquisition channels available.

I of course don't have the perfect answer. But I've lived it for a while and wanted to write down my evolving thoughts for others who are going down this same path. Instead of solutions, I'll offer structure. Instead of answering your questions, I hope to offer you better ones.

Note: I write for new DevRels as well as people running DevRel programs. This is a "201" blogpost rather than a "101" — I'm aiming to cover what introductory blogposts don't say. I will also have inconsistent capitalization and voice because I am condensing a massive amount of thoughts and trust you are smart enough to figure it out. Sometimes "DevRel" is one person (who actually holds the title "Developer Advocate" or "DX Engineer"), sometimes "Devrel" is an industry. If this upsets you, please read something else.

Bottom Line Up Front

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Stop looking: Your North Star metric is "monthly active developers". If growth is accelerating, good. If growth is constant, fine. If growth is 0% or worse then whatever you are doing isn't working.

What kind of DevRel are you?

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Unhappiness arises when there is an expectations mismatch between what the company wants out of DevRel and what each DevRel is naturally good at. People have natural affinities — you are more likely to do well with community if you already organize meetups, you are more likely to be great at content if you are a regular on the speaker circuit, you are more likely to understand how to plug user gaps with product feedback if you already built one, etc. Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb trees.

There are three emerging sub-specialities of developer relations: community-focused, content-focused, and product-focused. How you are measured depends on what your strengths are and what your company actually thinks devrel is. We'll explore each in turn, but first some context:

Bad Metrics

I've been asked to measure all these in my work: GitHub stars on my demos (yuck), traffic attributed to my Google Analytics UTM tag (yuck yuck), number of badges I could scan at a conference (yuck yuck yuck). All well intentioned but ultimately not meaningful, because they value quantity over quality, breadth over depth, free-and-superficial over paid-and-indicating-serious-interest.

I agree with Amir Shevat that we should "do the right things over the easy to measure things":

Community-focused Developer Advocacy

People are waking up to the lasting power of community and now Technical Community Builder is the Hottest New Job in Tech.

Community metrics that I like (pick 1-3):

Things to look out for:

Content-focused Developer Advocacy

Content is the bread and butter of DevRel. If you have no idea where to start I recommend producing at least 1 piece of content on your company a week and just experimenting until you find your groove. Rewriting your blog once a year is fun, but not everyone has put in the reps to learn to regularly produce interesting content.

Content metrics that I like (in rough order):

Nuances to consider:

Product-focused Developer Advocacy

Product metrics that I like:

Devrels can provide tremendous value in the lead up to any product launch by beta testing (either personally or with users), or creating eyecatching/inspiring demos, blogposts, and videos for launch day/annual conference.

Devrel are also often responsible for maintaining non-core integrations and helper tooling.

Most devrels spend most of their time advocating TO developers than FOR them. The user-to-product feedback loop is the most underdeveloped element of developer advocacy right now basically because it is unclear who owns this function between Devrel and PM.


Ultimately I hope for more intellectual honesty within the industry that acknowledges the complex tradeoffs:

I'll leave you with one anecdote: When I first hear about a technology I keep it on a mental backburner simply to see if it sticks around and makes progress. I typically end up only trying out a technology at least one year after first hearing about it and seeing consistent progress. It's not just me; many CTOs and VP Engs recommend a multiyear adoption path especially for core tech. Traditional marketing advice says people have to hear about you at least 7 times before they decide to buy; for developer tools, Matt Biilmann from Netlify says it's more like 14.

Try fitting that into your quarterly OKR review cycles.

If you are interested in more DevRel thoughts, podcasts, and books, check the DX Circle guide for more!


gitcommitshow commented 2 years ago

Great writeup @sw-yx Agree with your points. Want to add my 2 cents. This problem is not unique to DevRel. Deciding the good metric is more of an art than science. The challenge I have seen for most organization is not in choosing what matters the most but letting go of important metrics that you want to track and improve.

skyhatch commented 2 years ago

Fascinating post. I want to express an opinion/insight in response to this excerpt from your post: "All well intentioned but ultimately not meaningful, because they value quantity over quality, breadth over depth, free-and-superficial over paid-and-indicating-serious-interest."

DevRel managers seem to be fixated on mass marketing metrics right now, but perhaps it'd be more valuable for them to pick up sales-like metrics for further down the funnel. Until recently in B2B MarSales, this superficial quantity over quality was a big issue until "account engagement metrics" came into play. In this situation, the DevRel would play an active "consultant"-like role to increase the viability of the tool for the developer/team.

I assume the engagement work would fall on DevRels since many tech companies these days forego traditional sales engineers who do this at enterprise software cos like Oracle, SAP etc. This kind of engagement would help management work out a $ or influencer value for that developer relationship and hopefully reduce the need for quantity > quality at all times.

I've contemplated integrating this mid-funnel approach into my capability development project for developers. Essentially, when a developer is facing an issue or needs to learn a new facet of their existing skill, the DevRel for a specific tool would be well placed in that "trigger event" situation to contribute insights. Tad too tricky for me to make this work right now as my project is a solo effort.