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Don't Rush to Simplicity #285

Closed swyxio closed 2 years ago

swyxio commented 2 years ago

source: devto devToUrl: "https://dev.to/swyx/don-t-rush-to-simplicity-on-the-other-side-of-complexity-105n" devToReactions: 31 devToReadingTime: 4 devToPublishedAt: "2021-05-15T13:23:31.682Z" devToViewsCount: 874 title: Don't Rush to Simplicity published: true description: Expertise in a subject often goes in a bell curve of simple → complex → simple. Can we skip the complexity? tags: Reflections, Complexity, Memes slug: simplicity-rush canonical_url: https://www.swyx.io/simplicity-rush cover_image: https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/articles/q52ca85320lzxly8xli0.png

Today I want to talk about a meme. This meme takes many forms, but it's latest iteration is the Midwit meme:

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You could abstractly view this as a clever blend of the Haha Go Brrr meme with Horseshoe theory, but that'd be an incredibly "100 IQ" way to overanalyze a meme. At the end of the day, it is just an incredibly flexible meme that has somehow outgrown its edgy, racist roots to be applied everywhere from finance to linguistics to biology.

It can be distilled to the simple observation that total beginners and total experts can often share a love of simplicity, in a way that absolutely infuriates the book smart intermediates.

You feel it when a self described "15 IQ" electrician makes $3.4 million on knockoff dog themed cryptocurrency, in perfect sympatico with the 150 IQ Elon Musk.

I felt it when Jan Hatzius, the longtime Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, talks up his "above-consensus GDP growth projections" like it means a damn, whereas degenerate gamblers and PhD quants alike just remind each other to "buy low, sell high".

I get the same feeling when senior software engineers stop at "it depends" and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. A generation earlier you could find the same middle-of-the-curve engineers worshipping "Uncle Bob" (the jury is out on the "IQ" of the median remnant Clean Coder). Now the same midwit engineers (of which I am one) wage toxic tribal wars over frameworks, while Pieter Levels makes >$1m a year with a single PHP file and just learned git.

You could keep going:

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After you see enough of these, you have to wonder:

Can we just skip the complexity? From simple on this side of the curve, straight to simple on the other side? Bypass the complex phase like an Einstein-Rosen bridge? Aren't they just the same thing?

My answer, after a lot of admittedly 100 IQ introspection, is: No.

You don’t get to 80/20 hack your way to enlightenment by imitating it.

You've probably heard this story before:

  • A businessman finds a fisherman, who is living an idyllic, peaceful life by the sea.
  • He laughs and tells the fisherman how to get rich instead.
  • The fisherman asks him what he will do after he gets rich.
  • He replies that he would retire to an idyllic, peaceful life by the sea.

There's supposed to be a deep life lesson in there, but it's always felt insincere to me.

To me it is better to have reached the heights of a career, or suffered an epic defeat, even if I do end up in the same place as everyone else in the end.

To me simplicity is made more beautiful when understood through a long personal struggle with complexity. When I can dance with it, having turned a mighty nemesis into an old friend, and teach others to do the same.

Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

After all, we share the same destination. The ultimate horseshoe is biblical in nature: dust shall inevitably return to dust. What is life, then, but our unique, 100 IQ, wandering journey through vicissitudes?

“I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Thanks to David Golden for reviewing an early draft of this — his take:

  • "My (possibly mid-curve) view is that left-curve people love simplicity, but their success with simplicity is luck driven, which is infuriating, driving mid-curve people to try to systematize away from luck.
  • Whereas right curve have either learned to succeed with simplicity without luck, or have learned that luck is what matters so don't overcomplicate. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • And thus your point about the journey is that you can't get to systematic success with simplicity without the mid-curve experience."
joeamroo commented 2 years ago

I disagree with you:

  1. We have experts for a reason, because people know more truth that other people.
  2. If we have experts then surely it's more efficient and simpler to teach non-experts the truth and have them avoid the struggle of the mid-curve.
  3. Despite what some aphorisms would like you to believe, struggling is not a good thing. The benefit from skipping the struggle (and learning the learnings you would have learned if you didn't skip!) far outweighs the benefits from struggling and then maybe not getting to the right curve at all.
  4. You using the fisherman story proves helped you skip something, right? ;)

Let me know what you think!

swyxio commented 2 years ago

my usual way for breaking disagreements is to introduce another dimension, i.e. it's a 3x2 matrix of simple-complex-metasimple and beginner-expert. i'm trying to advocate on linear progression through one dimension :)