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An Annotated Guide to React Server Components #318

Closed swyxio closed 2 years ago

swyxio commented 2 years ago

source: devto devToUrl: "https://dev.to/swyx/an-annotated-guide-to-the-react-server-components-demo-2a83" devToReactions: 193 devToReadingTime: 45 devToPublishedAt: "2020-12-23T01:18:46.502Z" devToViewsCount: 7316 title: An Annotated Guide to React Server Components published: true description: React Server Components are a nuanced, sweeping addition to React's existing capabilities. This is my guide. tags: React slug: react-server-components-demo canonical_url: https://www.swyx.io/react-server-components-demo cover_image: https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/i/cmvph9c0bejsjat1qodc.png

The React team announced React Server Components this week with a talk, RFC, and demo. It is a lot to go through (especially for a holiday week), but I did. Here are my notes.

Apr 2021 update: they have now published an Architecture Q&A, notes below.


What are React Server Components?

They are an experimental, upcoming feature of React that lets you render Components only on the Server. This has a few implications; here are my top 2:

Note: They must be named with a .server.js extension and follow some constraints - mainly, they can't use state, effects, or DOM APIs.

What problems do React Server Components solve?

They solve for Good User Experience, Cheap Maintenance, and Fast Performance in React apps (as defined in the talk notes below). There are multiple benefits for both developers and users, and the size of benefit depends on the use case, which makes this difficult to fully explain.

However the headline opportunity here is to greatly reduce production React app bundle sizes (tests have seen as much as 29% reduction, but can easily be higher depending on your app) while not sacrificing modern app-like user experiences (this again has multiple meanings - demonstrated in the demo below).

Finally, React Server Components make it easy to create hybrid apps - giving you the power to pick a sliding scale between a fully clientside app or a fully serverside app and everything in between - and not have to do major rewrites to change paradigms as requirements change.

Annotated Talk With Timestamps

I will link to the timestamps with my commentary below, but you can view Dan Abramov and Lauren Tan's full talk here:

{% youtube TQQPAU21ZUw %}

You can also see more commentary on the Twitter thread here.

Demo Walkthrough

The React Team also released the demo shown in the talk: https://github.com/reactjs/server-components-demo/

However there are some difficult setup steps and a lot of things to try in the demo. I recently did a 2 hour walkthrough of every part, with timestamps.

{% youtube La4agIEgoNg %}

You can also put Server Components into a serverless function, as I found today with a lot of difficulty.

Personal Reflections

This is the beginning of the end of a very, very long journey in React stretching as far back as 2014, when Jordan Walke first mentioned Async Rendering (the old name for Concurrent React) was a possibility.

My relationship with React Suspense started just after Dan Abramov's JSConf Iceland 2018 talk introducing it. It blew everyone's mind and ripped up everything I thought I knew about how React apps could and should be written. I stayed up all night to write a walkthrough of that demo. I had no React presence at the time but I've been following this idea throughout the ensuing 2.5 years.

I suspect how React Server Components look to people who have followed the journey are wholly different to people who are only just looking at this today. Kind of like how you might really enjoy a movie just for your snobby annoying friend to tell you "the book was better".

To me, "the book" provided a whole lot more context that, while it is irrelevant today, gives me a great deal more appreciation for how we got here and how things might work under the hood.

Here is all the jargon we did NOT discuss at any point in the talk or demo (because they are implementation details or irrelevant today):

Instead, we are given one concept today - Server Components. If you squint hard enough, you might even observe there is no API.


Because the React team has consistently communicated their thoughts through the years, the main benefit of React Server Components is the same as I've commented on in my writing and speaking.

Given a baseline React runtime, React Server Components let you:

This is a wonderful new area of opportunity for React developers, and the ecosystem is set to see tremendous growth in 2021. I feel certain that it is also going to spark similar efforts in other frameworks (because the case for Concurrent Mode has for the first time been made beyond time slicing and lazy loading components).

Related Reads

I will update this with selected other pieces over time.

2021 Architecture Q&A notes

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