swyxio / swyxdotio

This is the repo for swyx's blog - Blog content is created in github issues, then posted on swyx.io as blog pages! Comment/watch to follow along my blog within GitHub
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Using DEV.to as a CMS #390

Closed swyxio closed 2 years ago

swyxio commented 2 years ago

source: devto devToUrl: "https://dev.to/swyx/using-dev-to-as-a-cms-3472" devToReactions: 81 devToReadingTime: 3 devToPublishedAt: "2020-02-23T07:07:49.558Z" devToViewsCount: 1253 title: Using DEV.to as a CMS description: Blog on DEV.to, publish on your own domain, using the DEV.to API! slug: devto-cms category: tutorial tags: Tech published: true date: 2020-02-22

2021 update: I no longer endorse this. Enough people use the Dev.to API now that Netlify consistently gets rate limited (despite being authenticated) so that your CI breaks.

2022: I have moved to GitHub Issues as a CMS

This is a post on Dev.to that should also appear on my personal site. Canonical URL is manually set so that my site is the authoritative source, but the content lives in Dev.to.

See the comparison:

In September last year, DEV started publicizing their API (I don't know exactly when they launched it). I've had the idea to use DEV as a headless CMS for a while, but today I actually did it. It is nice because it gets syndication and comments for people who use Devto, as well as a nice image upload solution that doesn't involve checking into Git.


You should be pretty comfortable wrangling APIs and piping content into your own blog. I wrote my own static site generator so I am pretty comfortable with this, but if you are new to this game you may need some extra help based on your setup.

Our game plan is to only pull published articles from our account. The API is paginated, and although we can cheat by pulling a 1000-article page, I'm going to do it the "right" way by looping though each page until we reach an end. You could also store this and tweak this logic so you only fetch pages up to a certain preset date.

Here's some code that I wrote for proof of concept

require('dotenv-safe').config() // have DEV_TO_API_KEY in process.env
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
;(async function() {
  let allArticles = []
  let page = 0
  let per_page = 30 // can go up to 1000
  let latestResult = []
  do {
    page += 1 // bump page up by 1 every loop
    latestResult = await fetch(
        headers: {
          'api-key': process.env.DEV_TO_API_KEY
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(x => (allArticles = allArticles.concat(x)))
      .catch(err => {
        console.error(err) // very basic error handling, customize as needed
        throw new Error(`error fetching page ${page}, {err}`)
  } while (latestResult.length === per_page)

Now, this just gets you the basic data. You have more work to do to get stuff to show up on page nicely.
