swyxio / swyxdotio

This is the repo for swyx's blog - Blog content is created in github issues, then posted on swyx.io as blog pages! Comment/watch to follow along my blog within GitHub
MIT License
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Pensieve: Mar 7 2024 - on Agency #503

Closed swyxio closed 3 months ago

swyxio commented 3 months ago

tags: pensieve

A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the short form. I may upgrade these to full posts in future.

question I asked a friend today: whats your # 1 thing you want to do differently this yr vs last yr? she had no answer. My current answer is: live like a healthy, fit 165lbs person. Work, social stuff is all downstream of the weight and health goal. currently this means sweating every day (run, climb, whatever) and eating better - occasional fasts, adopting blueprint, and going high protein lower carb.


cwong430 commented 3 months ago

This podcast talks about gaining agency @1:16:15 He says gaining agency is not by willpower but by making it more likely to have success. Either by gaining more knowledge or gaining confidence by seeing other people like yourself succeeding. https://www.infiniteloopspodcast.com/devon-eriksen-theft-of-fire-ep-206/

swyxio commented 1 month ago
