sxross / MotionModel

Simple Model and Validation Mixins for RubyMotion
MIT License
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Question about .dat files #139

Closed backwardm closed 4 years ago

backwardm commented 9 years ago

Sorry for making this an 'issue'. I'm not sure how to ask this question otherwise.

I am learning RubyMotion by creating a simple application. I'd like the application will include a pre-populated offline database and show the data in a simple table view. When you show the deserialize_from_file(file.dat) method in the examples, is it possible to create that .dat file beforehand that is pre-populated and include it with the application? If so, what could you use to create / manage that file?

Thanks for your help, and sorry again for making this an 'issue'.

sxross commented 9 years ago

No problem about the issue. If you want to ask it on the forum, be sure to tag me, @sxross in the post.

In answer to your question, the data files are created by using NSCoding::encodeWithCoder, and then persisted to the device. So the file is not guaranteed to be textual. A better way to handle it is on initialization in AppDelegate, do something like this:

# ProMotion used here.
class AppDelegate < PM::Delegate

  status_bar true, animation: :fade

  def on_load(app, options)
    seed if Pet.count == 0
    open true)
    # open true)

  def seed
    fluffy = Pet.create(name: 'Fluffy', species: 'Cat', breed: 'Heinz 57')
    rover  = Pet.create(name: 'Rover', species: 'Dog', breed: 'Boxer')
    basil  = Pet.create(name: 'Basil', species: 'Cat', breed: 'Persian')
    fluffy.foods << Food.create('smelly cat food')