sxyu / sdf

Parallelized triangle mesh --> continuous signed distance field on CPU
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
436 stars 41 forks source link

a small amount of abnormal data for all obj file #4

Open xinwei-zhuang opened 2 years ago

xinwei-zhuang commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your library! It's extremely useful. However, when I try to convert obj file to sdf, the majority works properly but I have around 1000 points (out of 260,000) that has very large/small data e^18. I want to know what might cause this problem, and if I were to fix it, currently I'm clipping the sdf value to my normal max and min value, but the histogram looks funny if I do the clipping because I got a significant amount of large value. Any idea what cause this and potential fixation? Thank you! histogram before clipping hist

histogram after clipping hist s

QuanYuhan commented 1 year ago

I am facing the same problem, do you have some solution for this problem?

santisy commented 5 months ago

@QuanYuhan @xinwei-zhuang Do you guys find out what could be the possible issues here? Maybe it is because this is a approximate algorithm instead of accurate SDF extraction?