syaringan357 / Android-MobileFaceNet-MTCNN-FaceAntiSpoofing

Use tensorflow Lite on Android platform, integrated face detection (MTCNN), face anti spoofing (CVPR2019-DeepTreeLearningForZeroShotFaceAntispoofing) and face comparison (MobileFaceNet use InsightFace loss)
MIT License
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Training the faceantispoofing model #17

Open nalinmittal opened 4 years ago

nalinmittal commented 4 years ago

I went through Dr. Liu's repository. I came to the understanding that it utilizes a depth map input image for training but the tflite model in your android app requires only RGB(bitmap) input image. I want to use only RGB input image for my project. I have a few questions

I thank you for your code as it gave me a lot of insights to make a mobile app. I appreciate your reply.

syaringan357 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I'm too busy recently. I haven't paid attention to GitHub for a long time.

  1. The depth map is only used in training for back propagation.
  2. Laplacian is used to calculate the sharpness of images. Low definition images are directly considered attacks because this model can't anti it.