sybrexsys / VersyPDF

VersyPDF is a high-quality, industry-strength PDF library for C/C++ programming languages meeting the requirements of the most demanding and diverse applications. Using VersyPDF library you can write stand-alone, cross-platform and reliable applications that can read, write, and edit PDF documents.
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Build error #2

Open ahmetkocu opened 5 years ago

ahmetkocu commented 5 years ago

Can you share a build steps? I am getting error on build.

aimi617 commented 2 years ago

For Windows follow these steps:

Install a latest MSBuild, Download, unzip, go to ...\VersyPDF-master\bind\C\Windows Find and edit Compx64.bat setting SDK environment variables:

set path=%path% set include=%include% set lib=%lib%

then below temporarily comment second cl (line 18) and link.exe (line 20) to generate VersyPDF64.lib inside of \Out directory

Initiate SDK variables launching vcvars64.bat located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build

In the same console window change to a location of Compx64.bat using CD command then run Compx64.

To generate VersyPDF64.dll, uncomment cl and link.exe on lines 18, 20 and comment first cl/link.exe on lines 14, 16 accordingly.