syco / ACE.bundle

Plex plug-in that plays live streams using acestream engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 7 forks source link

Adding boxing #6

Closed pwhitdog closed 5 years ago

pwhitdog commented 5 years ago

Let me know if this works. I am not a python developer but I think it works. I like boxing so...

`from datetime import datetime, timedelta import json import re

def Start(): ObjectContainer.title1 = 'ACE' HTTP.Headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.85 Safari/537.36' HTTP.CacheTime = 0 Log('Ace host: {}, Ace port: {}'.format(Prefs['ace_host'], Prefs['ace_port']))

@handler('/video/ace', 'ACE', thumb = 'logo.png', art = 'logo.png') def MainMenu(): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = 'ACE') if (Prefs['show_arenavision']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(ArenavisionList, title = 'Arenavision'), title = 'Arenavision' ) ) if (Prefs['show_reddit_nba']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditNBAList, title = 'Reddit/NBA'), title = 'Reddit/NBA' ) ) if (Prefs['show_reddit_nfl']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditNFLList, title = 'Reddit/NFL'), title = 'Reddit/NFL' ) ) if (Prefs['show_reddit_mma']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditMMAList, title = 'Reddit/MMA'), title = 'Reddit/MMA' ) ) if (Prefs['show_reddit_motorsports']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditMotorSportsList, title = 'Reddit/MotorSports'), title = 'Reddit/MotorSports' ) ) if (Prefs['show_reddit_soccer']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditSoccerList, title = 'Reddit/Soccer'), title = 'Reddit/Soccer' ) ) if (Prefs['show_reddit_boxing']): oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditNFLList, title = 'Reddit/Boxing'), title = 'Reddit/Boxing' ) ) return oc

@route('/video/ace/arenavisionlist') def ArenavisionList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(ArenavisionList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) today = '{:%d/%m/%Y}'.format(datetime.utcnow()) tomorrow = '{:%d/%m/%Y}'.format(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)) html = HTML.ElementFromURL('', '', {'Cookie': 'beget=begetok; expires=' + ('{:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}'.format(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=19360000))) + '; path=/'}) for item in html.xpath('//tr[count(./td)>=6]'): av_date = item.xpath('./td[1]/text()')[0].decode('UTF-8') if today != av_date and tomorrow !=av_date: continue av_time = item.xpath('./td[2]/text()')[0].decode('UTF-8') av_sport = item.xpath('./td[3]/text()')[0].decode('UTF-8') av_tournament = item.xpath('./td[4]/text()')[0].decode('UTF-8') av_match = item.xpath('./td[5]/text()')[0].decode('UTF-8') av_langs = '' urls = [] for t1 in item.xpath('./td[6]/text()'): tokens = t1.split(' ') av_langs = av_langs + ' ' + tokens[1] for c in tokens[0].split('-'): c = c.strip() if c[0] == 'W': urls.append(tokens[1] + ' ' + c + '!' + (html.xpath('//a[text()="World Cup ' + c[1:] + '"]')[0]).get('href')) else: urls.append(tokens[1] + ' ' + c + '!' + (html.xpath('//a[text()="ArenaVision ' + c + '"]')[0]).get('href')) title = av_date + ' ' + av_time + ' | ' + av_sport + ' | ' + av_tournament + ' | ' + av_match + ' |' + av_langs oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(ArenavisionSubList, title = title, url = '|'.join(urls)), title = title ) ) return oc

@route('/video/ace/arenavisionsublist') def ArenavisionSubList(title, url): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(ArenavisionSubList, title = title, url = url), title = 'Refresh' ) ) pattern = re.compile(r'acestream:\/\/([0-z]{40})', re.IGNORECASE) for r in url.split('|'): t = r.split('!') html = HTTP.Request(t[1], '', {'Cookie': 'beget=begetok; expires=' + ('{:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT}'.format(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=19360000))) + '; path=/'}).content for m in re.finditer(pattern, html): aurl = 'http://{}:{}/ace/manifest.m3u8?id={}'.format(Prefs['ace_host'], Prefs['ace_port'], Log(aurl) oc.add( Show( url = aurl, title = t[0] ) ) return oc

def getRedditLinks(oc, url, selector): plus = "" while True: html = HTTP.Request(url + plus).content js = json.loads(html) for t3 in js["data"]["children"]: title = t3["data"]["title"] if title.lower().find(selector) != -1: title2 = "{}, by {}".format(title, t3["data"]["author"]).decode('UTF-8') url2 = t3["data"]["url"].decode('UTF-8') oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditSubList, title = title2, url = url2), title = title2 ) ) after = js["data"]["after"] if after is None: break else: plus = "?after=" + after

def findAllData(js, ks): arr = [] if isinstance(js, dict): for k in js: if k == ks and "body" in js[k]: arr.append(js[k]) arr.extend(findAllData(js[k], ks)) elif isinstance(js, list): for sjs in js: arr.extend(findAllData(sjs, ks)) return arr

@route('/video/ace/redditsublist') def RedditSubList(title, url): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditSubList, title = title, url = url), title = 'Refresh' ) ) pattern = re.compile(r'((?:[[^[]]+]\s+))acestream:\/\/([0-z]{40})((?:\s+[[^[]]+]))', re.IGNORECASE) lang_0 = [] lang_1 = [] plus = "" while True: html = HTTP.Request(url[:-1] + ".json" + plus).content js = json.loads(html) arr = findAllData(js, "data") for t3 in arr: for m in re.finditer(pattern, t3["body"]): aceid = acedesc = "{}{} [{}] by {}".format(,, aceid, t3["author"]) aurl = 'http://{}:{}/ace/manifest.m3u8?id={}'.format(Prefs['ace_host'], Prefs['ace_port'], aceid) Log(aurl) if'[(ar|croatian|es|esp|ger|german|kazakh|pl|portugal|pt|ru|spanish|ukrainian)]', acedesc, re.IGNORECASE) == None: lang_1.append( Show( url = aurl, title = acedesc.decode('UTF-8') ) ) else: lang_0.append( Show( url = aurl, title = acedesc.decode('UTF-8') ) ) after = js[0]["data"]["after"] if after is None: break else: plus = "?after=" + after for e in lang_0: oc.add(e) for e in lang_1: oc.add(e) return oc

@route('/video/ace/redditnbalist') def RedditNBAList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditNBAList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) getRedditLinks(oc, '', ' @') return oc

@route('/video/ace/redditnfllist') def RedditNFLList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditNFLList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) getRedditLinks(oc, '', ' @') return oc

@route('/video/ace/redditmmalist') def RedditMMAList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditMMAList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) getRedditLinks(oc, '', ' vs') return oc

@route('/video/ace/redditmotorsportslist') def RedditMotorSportsList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditMotorSportsList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) getRedditLinks(oc, '', ' utc') return oc

@route('/video/ace/redditsoccerlist') def RedditSoccerList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditSoccerList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) getRedditLinks(oc, '', ' vs') return oc

@route('/video/ace/redditboxinglist') def RedditBoxingList(title): oc = ObjectContainer(title2 = title) oc.add( DirectoryObject( key = Callback(RedditBoxingList, title = title), title = 'Refresh' ) ) getRedditLinks(oc, '', ' vs') return oc

@route('/video/ace/show', include_container = bool) def Show(url, title, include_container = False, **kwargs): vco = VideoClipObject( key = Callback(Show, url = url, title = title, include_container = True), rating_key = url, title = title, items = [ MediaObject( protocol = Protocol.HLS, container = Container.MP4, video_codec = VideoCodec.H264, audio_codec = AudioCodec.AAC, audio_channels = 2, optimized_for_streaming = True, parts = [ PartObject( key = HTTPLiveStreamURL(Callback(Play, url = url)) ) ], ) ] ) if include_container: return ObjectContainer(objects = [vco]) else: return vco

@indirect @route('/video/ace/play.m3u8') def Play(url, **kwargs): Log(' --> Final stream url: %s' % (url)) return IndirectResponse(VideoClipObject, key = url) `

syco commented 5 years ago

Hi, I've added Please use the code tag when adding code, especially for python that relies on spaces to distinguish between blocks.