sydcanem / bootstrap-contextmenu

Context menu plugin for Twitter's Bootstrap framework
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Cannot read property 'left' of undefined #94

Open jasondavis opened 8 years ago

jasondavis commented 8 years ago

I would really like to use this library but when installed all I get is this error in the console...

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'left' of undefined   bootstrap-contextmenu.js:163

Here is an example of one of the items the context menu should be attached to...

<div class="regular-card box card-record ui-sortable-handle" id="order-item-id-210" data-order-id="2813" data-order-number="100002607" data-order-item-id="210">
    <div class="alert-message warning">

        <div class="orderid">Order #100002607</div>
        <div class="orderid">Order ID: 2813</div>
        <div class="itemid">Item #210</div>
        <div>Date Created: 2014-05-27 15:51:25</div>
        <div>Date Modified: 2015-04-19 19:25:52</div>
        <div><img src=";-Handling-Custom-Neon-Signs-.jpg" class="order-card-image">
        <a href="#" id="order-card-210" data-order-id="2813" data-order-item-id="210" data-url="/orders/orderboards/order/item/210" data-target="#myModal" class="btn btn-default openmodal">View Order Item</a>



Any ideas for a fix?

Image of the code causing error...


AstRonin commented 8 years ago

You may try this vertion. I merged previous PRs for self and maybe it can help you.

rshingleton commented 8 years ago

I was running into the same issue and after much digging around, turns out it was my own fault. I was including a page fragment which was missing the target object (html).

$('#main').contextmenu({ target: '#context-menu', ... });

Make sure that the html node with id #context-menu is on the page.