sydevs / WeMeditate

International website promoting the practice of meditation, with online resources and free local classes.
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Automatically cycle home page image #136

Closed Ardnived closed 1 year ago

Ardnived commented 2 years ago

If we prepare 3 - 5 home page splash images. I can set it up to automatically cycle to the next one every 3 or 6 months or something, just to give the site a bit of freshness.

Seasonal / festivity theme home page images could also be an option.

Need photography for this from @antontcymbal

Ardnived commented 2 years ago

The next step which has been taken is to discuss sourcing these images with the Instagram team. Secondary possibility is to ask someone who is a photographer or graphic designer who could edit / produce a few images like this. Possible people: Madhava, Vera, Ananda (too busy), Gauri, Janaki(?).

Ardnived commented 2 years ago

Madhava is now working on a set of new images that can be cycled.

Ardnived commented 1 year ago

This was implemented some time ago