sydspost / Domoticz-WiZ-connected-plugin

Domoticz WiZ connected plugin
MIT License
5 stars 6 forks source link

Pi freezes temporarely for 5 sec... every 10 secs..... #7

Closed danieloSD closed 2 years ago

danieloSD commented 2 years ago

I got the WIZ lights to work properly with this plugin. Now that everything works the system seems to stop responding for like 5 seconds every 10 seconds or so... not just domoticz but it does the same if I ssh into the pi. It's PI4. Raspbian buster and domoticz beta updates (wiz does not work with stable version)

sydspost commented 2 years ago

I noticed some difference between my setup at home and the plugin on Github. The code on line 207 and 208 was commented out on Github, but active on my Domoticz server. So please activate the code on lines 207 and 208:

207 if time.time() - self.last_update < 58: 208 return

Or download the new version of the plugin.

This causes the software to wait for 60 seconds between performing an ARP-broadcast on the network instead on continuous performing ARP-broadcasts.

Please let me know if this helped.

I run Domoticz 2021.1, which is a stable version i asume

sydspost commented 2 years ago

Guess this issue is solved and close it. If the issue is niet solved, please deel free to reopen it.