syedowaisali / crystal-range-seekbar

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jCenter repository is deprecated - Alternative post to MavenCentral or other package repository #162

Closed carlos-mg89 closed 2 years ago

carlos-mg89 commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to update my app to the recent (not so recent actually) deprecation of jcenter repository.

After removing jcenter, I found out that this package (crystalrangeseekbar) cannot be found in any of the follow Maven repositories:

maven { url "" }
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }

Would it be possible to fix this situation please?

Thanks in advance

ptsiogas commented 2 years ago

Is this library supported?

carlos-mg89 commented 2 years ago

@ptsiogas I fixed it by using the Github Maven repository (I think they have a repository, otherwise, Gradle seems to be compatible with it somehow):

implementation 'com.github.syedowaisali:crystal-range-seekbar:77d3cc9994'

Basically, with this you get the latest commit (if the latest commit doesn't change, which is most likely the case).