Context: When a user will transfer from Source EVM to destination Substrate, field validation for the "Send To" wallet field, is only applied to EVM format and not to substrate one.
Select From as Sepolia
Connect metmask wallet
Select destination as Rococ-phala
Select sygUSDC as ERC20 token.
Input a transfer amount <= max;
Input in"Send To" wallet field an EVM address.
Exp: The field should be validated on substrate format and display the invalid format.
Act: The field is only validated against EVM format and allowed the transfer to continue.
Severity: High | Priority: High
Context: When a user will transfer from Source EVM to destination Substrate, field validation for the "Send To" wallet field, is only applied to EVM format and not to substrate one.
Exp: The field should be validated on substrate format and display the invalid format. Act: The field is only validated against EVM format and allowed the transfer to continue.