syh19 / siyuan-plugin-task-list

思源笔记插件——任务列表:汇总散落在整个工作空间的任务 Siyuan Note Plugin——Task List: Summarize tasks scattered throughout your workspace
MIT License
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search #40

Open Wil24555 opened 3 days ago

Wil24555 commented 3 days ago
  1. I would like the search to also find the document in which the task is located.

  2. Currently, the search distinguishes between upper and lower case letters, so the text is often not found. I would like a way to enable or disable case sensitivity.

syh19 commented 2 days ago

Thank you for your suggestions.

  1. When you search, the task will be displayed, and clicking on the task will automatically open the document where the task is located.
  2. Typically, searches are case-insensitive, and to simplify matters, searches will no longer be case-sensitive after the fix.