syj02 / pe

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Lack of Command Summary #18

Open syj02 opened 2 months ago

syj02 commented 2 months ago

Lack of Command Summary which seems to be a requirement as shown in ab3 UG example.

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soc-se-bot commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

The name is not reflected in the title of each section. However, the UG has all the commands.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: According to the UG deliverables, supposed to follow the AB3 UG structure and AB3 UG contains Command summary at the very end, as shown below. It is also stated to make sure it does not inconvenience the reader (e.g., use section/figure title and/or hyperlinks to point to the section/figure being referred to).

In Voyagers UG:

  1. The name is not reflected in the title of each section

  2. The title in ToC and sub-headers don't match for each section

  3. There are missing hyperlinks for the titles in ToC

  4. The sequence in ToC and the actual sequence of sub-headers don't match exactly

  5. The examples of expected command for some of the features are inaccurate (under Setting Trip Details in pages 4 and 5 of the UG)

Hence, there may be a need to have a Command summary and also tidy up the sequence and hyperlinks to ensure clarity and mitigate confusion by the UG in guiding the users to use the Voyagers CLI app. These confusion may cause rare and minor to occasional inconveniences to users. Thus, I believe this is a flaw in the UG documentation with a severity of medium/low.

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