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Inconsistency of Download and Install Button on index page #37

Open lebensterben opened 2 years ago

lebensterben commented 2 years ago

The download button always gets you, even when users are visting

The install button currently shows you

git clone ~/.emacs.d

This results in users pulling the develop branch even when they are visiting

yhager commented 2 years ago

I'd like to add that this is really confusing, and my first experience with spacemacs is not that great because of that. I chose the install option. magit doesn't work there - I searched everywhere - github, magit, reddit.. nothing. Until I went to gitter and someone told me I must be using the master branch, which is unmaintained and I should use the develop which is stable. It ends up as a very confusing user experience. Maybe fix the install button to point to the develop archive link?

choffee commented 1 year ago

Would it make sense at this point just redirecting to for the website? or just making www point at the develop version?