The dotspacemacs tests do not take into account that the vim and hybrid editing styles can have a :variables section defining the variables.
Reproduction guide :beetle:
Start Emacs
set the editing style with the variable overrides using either vim or hybrid.
SPC f e R
Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart:
Fails the test checking the editing style
** TEST: [[file:/home/rob/.spacemacs.d/init.el::dotspacemacs-editing-style][dotspacemacs-editing-style]] is 'vim, 'emacs or 'hybrid or and list with `:variable' keyword
*** FAIL: (vim :variables vim-style-visual-feedback t vim-style-remap-Y-to-y$ t vim-style-retain-visual-state-on-shift t vim-style-visual-line-move-text t vim-style-ex-substitute-global nil)
Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile:
Should pass.
System Info :computer:
OS: gnu/linux
Emacs: 27.0.50
Spacemacs: 0.300.0
Spacemacs branch: develop (rev. 5004e05)
Graphic display: t
Distribution: spacemacs
Editing style: vim
Completion: ivy
(coffeescript json bibtex nginx twitter graphviz
(ivy :variables ivy-enable-advanced-buffer-information t)
asciidoc speed-reading swift plantuml
(auto-completion :variables auto-completion-return-key-behavior 'complete auto-completion-tab-key-behavior 'cycle auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence nil auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t auto-completion-show-snippets-in-popup t auto-completion-private-snippets-directory "~/.spacemacs.d/snippets")
better-defaults emacs-lisp
(git :variables git-magit-status-fullscreen t)
github gnus version-control
(markdown :variables markdown-live-preview-engine 'vmd)
(latex :variables latex-enable-auto-fill t)
(colors :variables colors-colorize-identifiers 'all colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar t)
(ansible :variables ansible-auto-encrypt-decrypt t)
puppet evil-commentary
(evil-snipe :variables evil-snipe-enable-alternate-f-and-t-behaviors t)
fasd finance floobits xkcd autohotkey csv
(c-c++ :variables c-c++-enable-clang-support t)
(clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
(go :variables gofmt-command "goimports" go-use-gometalinter t go-use-gocheck-for-testing t go-use-test-args "-race -timeout 10s" go-tab-width 2)
(haskell :variables haskell-enable-ghci-ng-support t haskell-enable-shm-support t haskell-enable-hindent-style "andrew-gibiansky")
html java
(javascript :variables javascript-disable-tern-port-files t javascript-backend 'lsp)
(python :variables python-backend 'lsp python-enable-yapf-format-on-save t python-fill-column 80 python-auto-set-local-pyenv-version 'on-visit python-auto-set-local-pyvenv-virtualenv 'on-visit python-sort-imports-on-save t python-test-runner
'(nose pytest))
lsp racket
(ruby :variables ruby-version-manager `rvm)
(rust :variables rust-enable-rustfmt-on-save t)
(scala :variables scala-indent:use-javadoc-style t scala-enable-eldoc t scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments t scala-use-unicode-arrows t scala-auto-start-ensime t)
(restclient :variables restclient-use-org t)
themes-megapack tmux vim-empty-lines spotify vagrant
(ibuffer :variables ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'projects)
semantic deft
(shell :variables shell-default-shell 'ansi-term shell-default-position 'bottom shell-default-height 30 shell-default-term-shell "/bin/zsh")
erc chrome d emoji gtags prodigy evernote
(org :variables org-enable-github-support t org-enable-reveal-js-support t org-enable-org-journal-support t org-enable-hugo-support t org-projectile-file "" org-want-todo-bindings t org-enable-bootstrap-support t)
search-engine yaml sql nim ipython-notebook lua scheme purescript sml common-lisp ranger wakatime dash spell-checking jabber cscope vinegar rcirc games react php vimscript geolocation idris
(elm :variables elm-reactor-port "3000" elm-reactor-address "")
(typography :variables typography-enable-typographic-editing nil)
pdf imenu-list slack systemd command-log
(terraform :variables terraform-auto-format-on-save t)
pass parinfer groovy kotlin unicode-fonts epub
(treemacs :variables treemacs-use-follow-mode t treemacs-use-filewatch-mode t treemacs-use-collapsed-directories 3))
Description :octocat:
The dotspacemacs tests do not take into account that the
editing styles can have a :variables section defining the variables.Reproduction guide :beetle:
.Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: Fails the test checking the editing style
Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile: Should pass.
System Info :computer: