Closed asarchami closed 5 years ago
Strange I can have a look but first adjust your issue to match the official issue template please. There please include a more detailed explanation when you are getting this error and whether emacs stops loading or just a random package is broken.
Last but not least please load a default dotfile and say whether the error still occurs.
Having the same issue here after update all packages.
The package requires lv
is hydra
, possibly an upstream issue. Adding lv
to dotspacemacs-additional-packages
seems don't work. If you don't use it simply exclude it could be a work around. Seems it's not possible to exclude hydra
cause Spacemacs heavily relies on it, so I downloaded a copy of a PR is made attempting fix this
from and load in dotspacemacs/user-init
(helm auto-completion better-defaults emacs-lisp scheme
(haskell :variables haskell-completion-backend 'dante haskell-enable-hindent t)
agda latex spell-checking)
givesDebugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "lv")
eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*-678799> nil "/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/elpa/26.1/develop/hydra-20190326.1950/hydra.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 3164
load-with-code-conversion("/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/elpa/26.1/develop/hydra-20190326.1950/hydra.el" "/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/elpa/26.1/develop/hydra-20190326.1950/hydra.el" nil t)
(let* ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg ':name)) (owner (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S -> init (%S)..." pkg-name owner)) (funcall (intern (format "%S/init-%S" owner pkg-name))))
configuration-layer//configure-package(#<cfgl-package cfgl-package>)
mapc(configuration-layer//configure-package (#<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package> #<cfgl-package cfgl-package>))
(let (packages-to-configure) (let ((--dolist-tail-- packages) pkg-name) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg-name (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((pkg (configuration-layer/get-package pkg-name))) (cond ((eieio-oref pkg ':lazy-install) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it can be lazily installed." pkg-name))) ((and (eieio-oref pkg ':excluded) (not (eieio-oref pkg ':protected))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg ':owners)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (configuration-layer//package-reqs-used-p pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format (concat "%S is ignored since it has dependencies " "that are not used.") pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabled-p pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is disabled." pkg-name))) (t (let ((dir (configuration-layer/get-location-directory pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg ':location) (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners))))) (if dir (progn (add-to-list 'load-path dir)))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ':location) '(local site built-in)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq 'dotfile (car (eieio-oref pkg ':owners))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (setq packages-to-configure (cons pkg packages-to-configure)) (configuration-layer//pre-configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (setq packages-to-configure (reverse packages-to-configure)) (mapc 'configuration-layer//configure-package packages-to-configure) (mapc 'configuration-layer//post-configure-package packages-to-configure))
configuration-layer//configure-packages-2((async bind-key bind-map diminish evil hydra use-package which-key))
configuration-layer//configure-packages((abbrev ace-jump-helm-line ace-link ace-window aggressive-indent ansi-colors archive-mode async auto-compile auto-highlight-symbol avy bind-key bind-map bookmark bracketed-paste centered-cursor-mode clean-aindent-mode column-enforce-mode compile conf-mode counsel-projectile debug default-helm-config default-ivy-config default-org-config define-word desktop diminish dired dired-x display-line-numbers doc-view doom-modeline dotenv-mode dumb-jump edebug ediff editorconfig eldoc electric-indent-mode elisp-slime-nav emacs-lisp eval-sexp-fu evil evil-anzu evil-args evil-cleverparens evil-ediff evil-escape evil-evilified-state evil-exchange evil-goggles evil-iedit-state evil-indent-plus evil-lion evil-lisp-state evil-matchit evil-mc evil-nerd-commenter evil-numbers evil-surround evil-tutor evil-unimpaired evil-visual-mark-mode evil-visualstar expand-region eyebrowse fancy-battery fill-column-indicator flx-ido font-lock+ golden-ratio google-translate grep helm helm-ag helm-descbinds helm-flx helm-make helm-mode-manager helm-projectile helm-purpose helm-spacemacs-faq helm-spacemacs-help helm-swoop helm-themes helm-xref help-fns+ hexl hi-lock hide-comnt highlight-indentation highlight-numbers highlight-parentheses hl-todo holy-mode hs-minor-mode hungry-delete hybrid-mode hydra ido ido-vertical-mode ielm image-mode imenu indent-guide info+ link-hint linum linum-relative lorem-ipsum macrostep move-text nameless occur-mode open-junk-file org-bullets org-plus-contrib origami overseer package-menu page-break-lines paradox password-generator pcre2el persp-mode popup popwin process-menu projectile rainbow-delimiters recentf request restart-emacs savehist saveplace smartparens smooth-scrolling space-doc spaceline spaceline-all-the-icons spacemacs-purpose-popwin spacemacs-theme spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup string-inflection subword symon tar-mode toc-org treemacs treemacs-evil treemacs-projectile undo-tree uniquify url use-package uuidgen vi-tilde-fringe vim-powerline visual-line-mode volatile-highlights which-key whitespace window-purpose winner winum writeroom-mode ws-butler zone zoom-frm))
(cond (changed-since-last-dump-p (configuration-layer//load) (if (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (progn (configuration-layer/message "Layer list has changed since last dump.") (configuration-layer//dump-emacs)))) (spacemacs-force-dump (configuration-layer//load) (if (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (progn (configuration-layer/message (concat "--force-dump passed on the command line, " "forcing a redump.")) (configuration-layer//dump-emacs)))) ((spacemacs-is-dumping-p) (configuration-layer//load) (configuration-layer/message "Dumping Emacs...")) ((and (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (spacemacs-run-from-dump-p)) (configuration-layer/message "Running from a dumped file. Skipping the loading process!")) (t (configuration-layer//load) (if (spacemacs/emacs-with-pdumper-set-p) (progn (configuration-layer/message (concat "Layer list has not changed since last time. " "Skipping dumping process!"))))))
(let ((file-name-handler-alist nil)) (require 'core-spacemacs) (if (eq 'dumping spacemacs-dump-mode) nil (if (boundp 'load-path-backup) (progn (setq load-path load-path-backup)))) (configuration-layer/load-lock-file) (spacemacs/init) (configuration-layer/stable-elpa-download-tarball) (configuration-layer/load) (spacemacs-buffer/display-startup-note) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (if (eq 'dumping spacemacs-dump-mode) nil (global-font-lock-mode) (global-undo-tree-mode t) (winner-mode t)) (if (and dotspacemacs-enable-server (not (spacemacs-is-dumping-p))) (progn (require 'server) (if dotspacemacs-server-socket-dir (progn (setq server-socket-dir dotspacemacs-server-socket-dir))) (if (server-running-p) nil (message "Starting a server...") (server-start)))) (if (eq 'dumping spacemacs-dump-mode) (progn (setq load-path-backup load-path) (global-undo-tree-mode -1) (setq spacemacs-dump-mode 'dumped) (garbage-collect))))
(if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version)) (error (concat "Your version of Emacs (%s) is too old. " "Spacemacs requires Emacs version %s or above.") emacs-version spacemacs-emacs-min-version) (let ((file-name-handler-alist nil)) (require 'core-spacemacs) (if (eq 'dumping spacemacs-dump-mode) nil (if (boundp 'load-path-backup) (progn (setq load-path load-path-backup)))) (configuration-layer/load-lock-file) (spacemacs/init) (configuration-layer/stable-elpa-download-tarball) (configuration-layer/load) (spacemacs-buffer/display-startup-note) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (if (eq 'dumping spacemacs-dump-mode) nil (global-font-lock-mode) (global-undo-tree-mode t) (winner-mode t)) (if (and dotspacemacs-enable-server (not (spacemacs-is-dumping-p))) (progn (require 'server) (if dotspacemacs-server-socket-dir (progn (setq server-socket-dir dotspacemacs-server-socket-dir))) (if (server-running-p) nil (message "Starting a server...") (server-start)))) (if (eq 'dumping spacemacs-dump-mode) (progn (setq load-path-backup load-path) (global-undo-tree-mode -1) (setq spacemacs-dump-mode 'dumped) (garbage-collect)))))
eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*> nil "/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 2288
load-with-code-conversion("/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/init.el" "/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
load("/Users/ldbeth/.emacs.d/init" t t)
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x400e2321>)()
I met the same problem. And test under ubuntu 16.04 and windows 10. All get the same error. What I have done is just clone repo and run emacs.
also having the same problem from kubuntu; tried master LdBeth/spacemacs release-0.200 and still having the issue.
p.s. what a bad day to clean install spacemacs, also my backed up .emacs.d broken on recovery for some reason.
@Congrammers check out develop
branch from my PR. Try start from a new .spacemacs
file, it should work fine.
This is an upstream issue in Hydra and/or Melpa (mismatch between Hydra's code and Hydra's recipe). Hopefully it will be sorted out soon, but until then you can apply the changes from as a workaround (don't forget to undo the changes once the issue is resolved).
An alternative workaround, if you don't want to change Spacemacs code, mentioned by @LdBeth:
downloaded a copy of lv.el from and load in dotspacemacs/user-init
Adding lv
as an additional package may not work because Hydra is loaded in the bootstrap phase.
This seems to have been fixed upstream now. Thanks bmag. Declare dependency on separate lv package
There's a hydra
update, the package description SPC h d p
Version: 20190405.1015 Summary: Make bindings that stick around. Requires: cl-lib-0.5, lv-0
Thanks for the help.
I keep getting (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "lv"). Everything was ok till I decided to install a clean spacemacs! no I get this. I have
installed on my os. I also manually installed packagelv
.OS: Ubuntu 18.10 emacs version: 26.1