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helm-git-grep causes my computer to crash #15497

Closed JuanCaicedo closed 1 year ago

JuanCaicedo commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone! I opened up an issue because I don't really know how to go about debugging this πŸ˜… I'm seeing this pretty reliably, so if there's any more info I can provide, let me know πŸ‘

Description :octocat:

Computer crashes when running helm-git-grep

Reproduction guide :beetle:

Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart:

Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile:

System Info :computer:

lebensterben commented 2 years ago

what do you mean by crash?

is it unresponsive?

BenedictHW commented 2 years ago

Helm-git-grep seems to be working fine here on Emacs 29.0.50.

Perhaps try,

(setf helm-candidate-number-limit 100)

and see if that makes helm more responsive? And I thought I'd mention SPC g s l -F (or -G) RET (or refresh with g) as Magit's transient interface to use in the meantime.


JuanCaicedo commented 2 years ago

@lebensterben by crash I mean it forces my computer to force restart πŸ˜… I really don't know a better way to describe it.

@BenedictHW Thanks! I can to to set helm-candidate-number-limit to see if that helps πŸ‘

I'm not sure what command you're suggesting. SPC g s triggers magit-status, and there's nothing I can see under SPC g s l. If by the transient interface you mean the magit status view, I'm not sure how I can grep through the whole codebase from there, which is my goal. Thank you for helping though!

BenedictHW commented 2 years ago

There's also the emacs debugger & profiler.

The =Profiler= is a tool that helps you identify why your editor is running slowly or consumes a lot of memory. Here are key bindings related to it:

| Key binding | Description | |-------------+-----------------------------| | ~SPC h P k~ | stop the profiler | | ~SPC h P r~ | display the profiler report | | ~SPC h P s~ | start the profiler | | ~SPC h P w~ | write the report to file |

Regarding SPC g s, that was my bad, I misunderstood you. Inside the SPC g s magit buffer "l" and then "-F" will allow you to grep through commit logs.

To grep the whole codebase the usual method is SPC /. Grep/ag/ripgrep will then search the project, where project is defined by projectile.

Projectile automatically recognizes version control marker files like .git.

You can bring up a list of projects that projectile recognizes with SPC p p. So navigating to your .emacs.d/doc folder and pressing SPC s d to search just the /doc folder is possible (that's where the above keybind table come from :D ). See also SPC s f, which I've yet to see Doom Emacs replicate, and is handy when you're aiming to grep folders or files that are not in a defined project (C-2 C-h moves two directories up in the SPC f f and SPC s f buffer!).

I hope this solves your use case, or at least can give us some debug clues to work with.


Juan Caicedo @.***> writes:

@lebensterben by crash I mean it forces my computer to force restart πŸ˜… I really don't know a better way to describe it.

@BenedictHW Thanks! I can to to set helm-candidate-number-limit to see if that helps πŸ‘

I'm not sure what command you're suggesting. SPC g s triggers magit-status, and there's nothing I can see under SPC g s l. If by the transient interface you mean the magit status view, I'm not sure how I can grep through the whole codebase from there, which is my goal. Thank you for helping though!

JuanCaicedo commented 2 years ago

@BenedictHW Thanks for responding! helm-candidate-number-limit does not seem to help ☹️

I tried running the profiler, but after my computer crashes I can't recover the results πŸ˜•

SPC / doesn't seem to work very well for me. The results are super slow, to the point where it's not really usable. SPC g / with the same query returns very quickly (until my computer crashes πŸ˜…)

I feel like I'm sort of stuck with this issue πŸ’”

lebensterben commented 2 years ago


Install ripgrep and use SPC /.

JuanCaicedo commented 2 years ago

I was able to find the crash reports for my system and see that they are all from Process Name = node

Here's the part of the report that seems relevant (though I'm not sure if it's a red herring)

6   node                                   0x1063b6787 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) + 71

I don't know why helm-git-grep would be interacting with node though πŸ˜…

I tried updating my version and am now on v16.14.0, but still get this crash.

@lebensterben Thanks for the tip πŸ˜€ I tried installing ripgrep and the results of SPC / are still very slow. I also tried running ripgrep-regexp and projectile-ripgrep, but neither of these seem to work (I get an error saying that the rg command is not found)

lebensterben commented 2 years ago

it's slow because it's not found so it fallbacks to grep.

it's not found because it's not added to PATH.

BenedictHW commented 2 years ago
  1. Concerning ripgrep.

Can you call ripgrep in your terminal ($ rg)? I'm on debian so I'm not too familiar with brew.

  1. Concerning the node out-of-memory error (OOM).

Without much else to go off of, I'm guessing your out of memory error could be due to long lines when you attempt to open a JavaScript file? But first does the error still persist on your system with a vanilla configuration?

I.e. if you back up your .spacemacs, .emacs.d folder and install a fresh vanilla configuration does SPC g / still crash your system?

I wish I knew more about the node, that's all I got for now. Let us know what happens.

acheng-hm commented 2 years ago

I get the same crash unless I type my search term one character at a time, allowing it to finish before each additional character (or if I build my entire search term elsewhere and paste it in all at once for helm-git-grep).

Is there a setting that I can tweak so it waits more milliseconds after the most recent keystroke before starting its next search? The problem feels like it's spawning "too many" searches when I type quickly.

BenedictHW commented 2 years ago

Running helm-dir-smart-do-search (SPC s d) "helm delay" while in /home/$USER/.emacs.d/elpa/29.0/develop/helm-20220621.1947/ dired buffer gives me helm-grep-input-idle-delay. Still, I am not sure of your root problem. I don't use helm-git-grep much at all, instead I use SPC /.

acheng-hm commented 2 years ago

I setq helm-grep-input-idle-delay to 1.0 but it still died. Maybe helm-git-grep is not one of the affected commands.

Can rg SPC / be configured to find "bar foo" if you type "foo bar" like helm-git-grep does?

Meanwhile setting helm-git-grep-candidate-number-limit super low (like 20) lets it finish fast enough that I can learn to wait after each keystroke.

BenedictHW commented 2 years ago

Ahah. Happy to find somebody else who encountered the same issue. I noticed the same behaviour with rg and SPC /. What allows me to find "bar foo" if you type "foo bar" is using ag (I use the packaged silversearcher-ag) instead of rg. I'm a little foggy on the reasons why this is, it's been awhile since I dug into this, but it is either

  1. Rust's regex library (also used by fdfind) does not support look-ahead or look-arounds. Is this still the case?

  2. Helm-ag package is currently stagnating. It works best with ag and perhaps getting rg to work with helm-ag will require some hacking.

  3. I know a helm-rg package exists, but from the quick glance I took some while ago, it does not seem to equal helm-ag in capabilities yet. So some hacking in order again.

If switching to ag is no issue, then you should get the behaviour that you want. Make sure to set,

helm-ag-fuzzy-match to t.

Here's my config if it proves useful.

  ;; See /home/ben/.config/fd/ignore
  (require 'helm-fd)
  (require 'helm-ag)

  (defvar ben/helm-source-fd
        (format "fd (%s)"
                (abbreviate-file-name default-directory)) 'helm-fd-class)
    "For use of FD in `helm-for-files'. <search_pattern>
<target_dir>. Ex. '.emacs.d /home'")

  (defvar ben/helm-source-maria-ag
    (helm-make-source "Project Maria - AG" 'helm-do-ag-class
      (lambda ()
        (helm-ag--do-ag-candidate-process +project-maria-dir+)))
    "To search Project Maria files from `helm-for-files'.
`helm-ag--do-ag-set-source' used as exemplar.")

  (defvar ben/helm-source-emacs-commands
    (helm-build-sync-source "Emacs Commands"
      :candidates (lambda ()
                    (let ((cmds))
                      (mapatoms (lambda (elt)
                                  (when (commandp elt)
                                    (push (symbol-name elt) cmds))))
      :coerce #'intern-soft
      :action #'command-execute)
    "A simple helm source for Emacs commands. Used in

  (setf ace-jump-helm-line-default-action 'select
        helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value t
        recentf-max-saved-items 1000
        ;; FIXME `helm-source-buffers-list' causes, ad-Advice-set-window-buffer:
        ;; Wrong type argument: bufferp, nil when selecting buffer. I'm fairly
        ;; sure the problem is in `spacemacs//helm-open-buffers-in-windows'.
        helm-for-files-preferred-list '(helm-source-buffers-list
        helm-candidate-number-limit 100
        helm-ff-skip-boring-files t
        helm-ag-fuzzy-match t
        helm-fd-executable "fdfind"
        helm-fd-switches '("--hidden" "--type" "f" "--type" "d" "--color" "never" "--max-results" "10" "--full-path")

    "SPC" #'helm-for-files
    (kbd "se") #'helm-mu)
BenedictHW commented 2 years ago

I should mention I set SPC SPC to helm-for-files elsewhere as well as ; to helm-occur. With helm-source-emacs-commads SPC SPC covers both M-x as well as whatever is in your helm-for-files-preferred-list. I'm fairly certain this capability is helm-specific, but who knows, some lisper has probably got something similar for ivy or the new completions consult/embark/corfu/what have you.

BenedictHW commented 2 years ago

I wish I knew more about helm-git-grep, but if you have further questions about helm-git-grep, Evan Klitzke @eklitzke would be the person most likely to know something.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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