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[git] add CodeReview package to layer #16020

Open practicalli-johnny opened 1 year ago

practicalli-johnny commented 1 year ago

Feature request

Add the package to the Git layer to enable code reviews from Spacemacs

CodeReview is integrated into the Magit & Forge UI and provides code review capabilities for Github and basic Gitlab and Bitbucket workflows

The package is available via MELPA

Thank you

smile13241324 commented 1 year ago

Hi :),

I have added code-review to the git layer however I was not able to properly start a code review, nor did I see the bindings in the magit transient state.

Can you give it a try and give me a short feedback if something is missing?

mfg Maxi

pataquets commented 1 year ago

I keep getting (Spacemacs) Error in dotspacemacs/user-config: Given parent class emacsql-sqlite-connection is not a class on Spacemacs boot since code-review is present. I've worked around it temporarily by adding it to dotspacemacs-excluded-packages. I had the package pending to enable until wandersoncferreira/code-review#245 is settled, as it was affecting me. I suggest to make it optional, disabled by default in the meantime.

Spacemacs HEAD (as of 2023-06-18), Emacs 27.1, Ubuntu Bionic.

smile13241324 commented 1 year ago

Ups I haven't seen this error on startup, just when I have called some functions of it, I have thought it would be some kind of setup issue but as nobody is forced to execute anything I have just kept it in there.

With the linked issue though I would disable the package again until the linked issue is resolved.

pataquets commented 3 months ago

Since the upstream fix looks far from being fixed, perhaps an alternative to consider is Doom Emacs' fork, as proposed here: