Closed dewijones92 closed 8 months ago
Hi @dewijones92, at the screenshot the value is different to the text posted: "Heavy" instead of "heavy".
@alexey0308 hello :) I have updated the text & screenshot. The problem persists. Any ideas? thanks thanks
please check M-x set-frame-font
for available variants.
You probably want to set the weight to semibold
or bold
A trick worth trying: use the menu bar -> Options -> Set Default Font, and choose exactly the font you're having trouble accessing. (I know, I'm supposed to hate the menu bar, but this really helps sometimes.) (And yes, this will temporarily set everything to Iosevka Heavy, but it's OK.) After changing that setting, but without saving your settings, run describe-face
and type default RET
to see what Emacs thinks the problem font is called. Setting the default font in this way will not survive a restart of Emacs, so there's no need to worry about messing anything up.
I am sorry I am not able to reproduce your issue, I have set my font to heavy and its properly rendering in heavy font everywhere. See my config below
dotspacemacs-default-font '("Source Code Pro"
:size 7.0
;; :weight normal
:weight heavy
:width normal)
Please retry with an emacs release version and the standard font and reopen if it does not work.
For reference here is my system specs:
((lsp :variables lsp-use-upstream-bindings nil lsp-remap-xref-keybindings t lsp-navigation 'peek)
dap dotnet openai fsharp vue csharp command-log
(crystal :variables crystal-backend 'company-crystal)
(ess :variables ess-r-backend 'lsp)
(scala :variables scala-backend 'scala-metals)
(nim :variables nim-backend 'company-nim)
spacemacs-purpose elasticsearch
(yang :variables yang-pyang-rules "ietf")
ietf julia scheme
(auto-completion :variables auto-completion-return-key-behavior 'complete auto-completion-tab-key-behavior 'cycle auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence nil auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay 0.1 auto-completion-minimum-prefix-length 1 auto-completion-idle-delay 0.0 auto-completion-private-snippets-directory nil auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup nil auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t auto-completion-use-company-box nil)
syntax-checking better-defaults translate gpu graphviz
(plantuml :variables plantuml-jar-path "~/.plantuml/plantUml.jar" org-plantuml-jar-path "~/.plantuml/plantUml.jar")
salt ibuffer emacs-lisp spacemacs-layouts
(org :variables org-enable-org-journal-support t org-want-todo-bindings t org-enable-github-support t org-enable-bootstrap-support t org-enable-reveal-js-support t org-enable-hugo-support t org-enable-trello-support t org-enable-modern-support nil org-enable-org-contacts-support t org-enable-roam-support nil org-enable-epub-support t org-enable-jira-support t)
(shell :variables shell-enable-smart-eshell nil shell-default-shell 'vterm shell-default-height 30 shell-default-position 'bottom shell-default-full-span nil shell-default-term-shell "/usr/bin/fish")
version-control import-js
(cmake :variables cmake-enable-cmake-ide-support t cmake-backend 'company-cmake)
(c-c++ :variables c-c++-default-mode-for-headers 'c++-mode c-c++-backend 'lsp-clangd c-c++-lsp-enable-semantic-highlight 'rainbow c++-enable-organize-includes-on-save t c-c++-enable-clang-format-on-save t c-c++-adopt-subprojects t)
web-beautify templates epub themes-megapack git sml bm
(copy-as-format :variables copy-as-format-default "markdown" copy-as-format-asciidoc-include-file-name t)
pass common-lisp semantic
(python :variables python-backend 'lsp python-lsp-server 'pylsp python-test-runner 'pytest python-formatter 'lsp python-format-on-save t python-save-before-test t python-sort-imports-on-save t)
windows-scripts jr
(shell-scripts :variables shell-scripts-backend 'lsp)
prodigy emoji
(markdown :variables markdown-live-preview-engine 'vmd)
(json :variables json-fmt-tool 'web-beautify json-backend 'lsp json-fmt-on-save t)
hackernews lobsters streamlink twitch debug
(latex :variables latex-backend 'lsp latex-enable-auto-fill t latex-enable-magic nil latex-view-with-pdf-tools t latex-view-pdf-in-split-window t latex-enable-folding t)
lua notmuch
(html :variables web-fmt-tool 'web-beautify html-enable-leex-support t css-enable-lsp t less-enable-lsp t scss-enable-lsp t html-enable-lsp t)
(javascript :variables javascript-import-tool 'import-js javascript-backend 'lsp javascript-fmt-tool 'web-beautify javascript-repl 'nodejs js2-basic-offset 2 js-indent-level 2)
(yaml :variables yaml-enable-lsp t)
(multiple-cursors :variables multiple-cursors-backend 'mc mc/cmds-to-run-once
(docker :variables docker-dockerfile-backend 'lsp)
csv search-engine
(restclient :variables restclient-use-org t)
restructuredtext selectric octave purescript speed-reading systemd imenu-list
(java :variables java-backend 'lsp)
(groovy :variables groovy-backend 'lsp groovy-lsp-jar-path "~/.groovy-lsp/groovy-lsp-all.jar")
(go :variables go-backend 'lsp go-use-golangci-lint t gofmt-command "goimports" go-tab-width 4 go-format-before-save t go-use-gocheck-for-testing t go-use-test-args "-race -timeout 10s" godoc-at-point-function 'godoc-gogetdoc)
coq django
(elm :variables elm-backend 'lsp elm-sort-imports-on-save t elm-format-on-save t)
kubernetes idris
(haskell :variables haskell-completion-backend 'lsp haskell-enable-hindent t haskell-process-type 'stack-ghci)
pandoc sphinx asciidoc
(treemacs :variables treemacs-use-follow-mode t treemacs-use-filewatch-mode t treemacs-collapse-dirs 3 treemacs-use-icons-dired t treemacs-use-all-the-icons-theme nil treemacs-use-git-mode 'deferred)
ansible puppet rust xkcd typography
(vimscript :variables vimscript-backend 'lsp)
(terraform :variables terraform-auto-format-on-save t terraform-backend 'lsp)
(ruby :variables ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode t ruby-backend 'lsp)
ruby-on-rails asm
(sql :variables sql-capitalize-keywords t)
(clojure :variables clojure-backend 'cider clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t clojure-enable-sayid t clojure-enable-clj-refactor t clojure-enable-linters
'(clj-kondo joker))
faust vagrant erlang games meson php helpful nginx racket
(colors :variables colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar t colors-colorize-identifiers 'all)
d unicode-fonts
(typescript :variables typescript-backend 'lsp typescript-lsp-linter t typescript-linter 'eslint typescript-fmt-on-save t))
Ignores:weight heavy
The text in Spacemacs does not display in heavy despite being configured to do so in the
setting. This results in the font appearing in its regular weight instead of heavy. There is no error in my emacs logsExpected Behavior
I expect the text to be displayed in heavy as specified in the
configuration.Configuration Reference
Here is the relevant configuration snippet from my
file:Font manager does display my desired Iosevka heavy font correctly
Here are the Iosevka fonts installed on my system, indicating that the heavy variant is available and should be applicable.
My spacemacs version:
My emacs version
I am looking for guidance on ensuring the :weight heavy option is respected by Spacemacs. Any suggestions or solutions to enforce the heavy weight as specified in the configuration would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.